Removing the dash of a Gen II

The Stray

New member
Recently my fog lights have died. I tested the bulbs and the ground. They are fine so its either the switch or something else in the wiring. The fog lights were aftermarket to begin with, so the dealership doesn't have wiring diagrams for them. I have been tracing the wires back and have gotten to the point where they run under the dash.
I have taken out the two screws on the right and left of the dash "hood". The front will pop up but the back is resisting the movement. It will lean left and right if I push, but the center will not move. It seems to me that there is a third anchoring point back there.
I have checked the entire housing for more screws and haven't found any. In back at the center of the dash hood there is a small rectangular door or at least thats what it looks like. It has a small indentation near the top that looks like it can be pried off, however it won't and I don't want to apply more force. Anyone taken their dash off before and could give pointers?

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