November 1974 ...
rolled into the "campsite" in Tamanrasset, Algeria. Took one look at the latrines and were about to roll back out.
Suddenly a MAN 10x10 truck pulls up, followed by a MB bus pulling a huge Pullman trailer - Rotel. As we watched, open jawed, the German tourists, disembarked, and took a look around. Thirty minutes later, you could have eaten dinner in the latrines! Needless to say, we stayed put.
Ever since then we have had a soft spot in our hearts for Rotel and Paul Robert Algerian table wine.
N.B. One side of the trailer lifts up to form a roof and drops a sort of tent wall to make a passage way that you use to access your sleeping cubby. The big MAN truck was a rolling workshop - even had a monster vise on the bumper - to tow and repair the bus and trailer.