RTT extra cover channel for annex help


New member
I remember reading somewhere here or on facebook, that people are keeping their annexes attached to their RTT via adding another channel so as to not have to remove the outer cover. CVT sells one for $30 but shipping is $40, so I assume this has to be just a channeled piece of aluminum and I can purchase on amazon or somehwere. I have searched amazon with no luck but not sure of what the actual item would be called I've tried all the non technical terms like rtt cover channel etc. Thanks if anyone can help out.


Before you place an order see if your local RV dealer has any in stock. You'd need to cut it to length as it would be much longer than your tent is wide. There's nothing special about it other than the shipping tube it comes in costs more than the track itself. I originally had the black plastic track that cvt sold a while back and it became crimped when the ladders put pressure on the track. Something to be aware of since once that track is crimped it makes getting the awning or cover welting in/out next to impossible.

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