RTT for us....larger people


I am currently in the process of planning my camping truck since my 4 year old has been asking about going camping all winter, and my wife and I would like to get back into the adventure. So far we have been planning to build a platform bed in the back of the F150 covered by a ARE MX cap. This is all fine and dandy but it's not really that large for three humans and a dog.

A RTT looks like a great option, but I would like to know the reality of using a RTT for larger people. I'm 6'3, 270 lbs and my wife is.....going to kill me if I say anything more. Neither of us are twentysomethings anymore either (late in life parents) so how bad are the contortions required to climb up to the second floor?


Im 43, 6'4" and 250. While it isn't exactly as easy as falling over a log to get in my RTT, it sure isn't a hindrance to me. Your 4 y.o. will love the RTT I'm sure. Mine does!

I will say : be sure your ladder is assembled correctly. My bottom step on mine slipped after a few uses and it threw off my balance. Didnt get hurt, but if a higher step did the same thing I might have fallen. That would have been bad for me. And the tent! Its the one thing I dont like about my CVT tent. The ladder is kinda cheap.


I think as long as you're getting out there and showing your 4 y/o the outside world. You will be fine in an RTT. Most can hold upwards of 500 pounds plus. Just make sure you have a solid mounting system.


I would be more worried about the cap. 3 people plus a dog is easy over 500, could be easy over 600 depending on the dog :), not counting 150-200# for the tent and rack. I have been researching the same thing, most caps are rated less than 200#, but this is a load moving down the road at 70+mph. Commericial Snug-tops are rated for like 500#. Lots of people camp on top of caps, and I don't believe I have heard of one failing, but I would check it out. I'm not worried about the weight in the tent, I want to have kayaks ect on the side of the tent, but all on the cap.

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