RV Propane not flowing


Any River...Any Place
Hey all, Just recently on my Chinook RV, my propane started not flowing consistently to stove, furnance and probably refrig. It first happened several months ago when I was leaving camp, stove would not start due to no propane getting to it. After driving, I stopped and tried again and it worked fine. Another time stove would light but flame would die out quickly.

Lastly, tried to use furnace last night and blowing air would not get warm, tried to use stove and no gas. Everything looks good propane tank half full. I finally shut off tank valve, reopened then tried stove and it lit right up, but flame died after 60 seconds, now won't restart and you cannot hear or small propane.

Does the tank have to be bled or is there another reason why propane not flowing? It has always worked flawlessly. I have fixed tank not removable tanks like for grills use.
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Kapitis Indagatoris
Most likely the regulator. Next time it does that simply "whack" the regulator a couple of times and if starts flowing you now know it's getting faulty. Good luck.


Any River...Any Place
The regulator is probably faulty.

Thanks, You might be right, went out, shut off at tank, turned back on - went inside and propane flowing - stove lit right up and furnace working great, inside already 65 degrees:) I was thinking an obstruction but that clearly isn't it.


Any River...Any Place
Most likely the regulator. Next time it does that simply "whack" the regulator a couple of times and if starts flowing you now know it's getting faulty. Good luck.

Well just by coincidence, I have a sweet heavy waxed canvas shoproll full of DeWalt tools I can bust out to do this(y)


It would be wise to just replace the regulator now instead of knowing it is going to take a dump at the worst time?


Any River...Any Place
It would be wise to just replace the regulator now instead of knowing it is going to take a dump at the worst time?

That’s the game plan. Have steelhead boonedocking trip in early Dec so furnace needs to be working.


If it is a traditional low PSI regulator, make sure all appliances are turned off prior to opening the valve on the tank.
Traditional regulators have bypass valves in them and often trip with there is a large leak (or appliance on, creaking a leak).
When this happens, LP flows but a MUCH lower rate. Pilots will stay lit, but the flow is so low that burners barely light.

This happens often to BBQ when someone leave one of the burner valves on, and instead turns the tank valve off to shut down the grill.
When you go back to relight and that burner valve is still on/open, as you turn the tank valve on it trips the bypass.

So, shut the tank off, shut all the appliances off (close valves if they have them inline to appliances, then turn the tank valve on.

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