school me on registering a canoe


i'm looking to buy possibly 2 canoes sometime in the somewhat near future, from what i've heard is they need to be registered in the state they are being used, so i live in ohio, so it would be registered in ohio but if i were to go over to PA to use it i would also need it to be registered in PA also? and if i buy a used canoe it must have a title to be registered or is there a way of obtaining a new title?


Expedition Leader
It is best to check the regulations of the individual states. While all states require registration of larger boats, they vary on whether small, hand propelled boats must be registered. And whether registration in another state applies or not.

In part registration is a way of making sure you paid state sales tax. That seem to be the main purpose in Illinois when they added that registration requirement in the late 1980s. Prior to that a paddled canoe didn't require registration, but one with a sail (even a temporary rig) did. In Washington hand propelled boats don't need registration, adding a motor changes that.

National Coast Guard regulations mainly have to do with safety (use of life jackets etc).

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