I will use the same on the windows, but I prefer some kind of actual sealant on the roof. Piles of snow tent to find any possible entry point as they melt.
Did you use the same type of your roof with no other sealant?
Those are great looking windows too....
Ill never own, or build a camper with joints in the roof.
My camper has a mono-shell with zero joints.
It does have a few penetrations, largest being the marine hatch.
By design it is located on a slope of the roof to minimize the potential of leak potential.
Still, it is sealed the same way as the windows. Year later, always outside, north idaho winters, never an issue.
Also, the entire roof is overcoated with Gaco-roof. The one exception being the hatch, all penetrations and fasteners are coated with it.
Gacoroof coat installed
shot showing the location (by design) of the hatch on the slope.
Example of how all fasteners and hardware attached to the roof surface are overcoated.
These are the brackets used to fasten the rigid solar panels.