SEMA Transit 4wd Camper Van 1/2 way done with Sportsmobile Poptop, Quadvan 4x4, Aluminess, Extreme Outback, Scheel-Mann


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Well I am doing it again, another SEMA project because I can.....regardless of the rationalizations I gave my wife it comes down to the fact that:
I wanted more interior space,
the 2020's will come with some safety things I don't like
the Eco-boost will be harder to get (and I like the 400ftlbs of torque idea)
and honestly I miss vanlife.


So why the 1/2 way done comment, well 2 reasons..
#1 So I can show off the hidden bits like heat/sound barriers (I have some different ideas there), show off the wiring, solar controller (yea Redarc), the batteries (yea some lithium company), show off the Sportsmobile poptop structure, and all that
#2 Since the van will roll off the production line Oct 3rd it will be bit less insane if there isn't a full interior :)

Now for the different part...
Some things I am paying full price for because the companies have helped me in the past and I feel I owe the folks at Sportsmobile, Aluminess, Extreme Outback and others.
The rest I am offering my credit card up front and it will be up to the company to decide how good a job I do helping them sell products. Because honestly sponsorship is just another way to say "salesperson paid in product".

More info to come soon.....Good times
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2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
A few fun things about the process for those that might be curious, "How do I get a rig in SEMA?".

First and most important, be willing to pay full price yourself, if you can't afford to do it how will you afford to be a force for your partner companies?

But beyond that you need a few key things:

1) Have a theme, something beyond "throw all the parts I can get free/cheap on the vehicle"
2) Get a render, for this I tried and since I wanted to work with Sportsmobile I took this image from their site
And I ask for a color change, it already had the Aluminess bumper I want
In the past I have worked with a local artist and did a completely original design, but that a bigger and more formal project. This is my van that if everyone said no I would still build exactly the same anyway.
3) Pick the best or what you really like, not just what is given away. There are companies that are happy to send product since it is crap anyway and use your images or efforts to sell more crap. Now if something is second tier but you are happy with it then fine, Harbor Freight vs Snap on for example....when it comes to hand tools I have been very happy with HF.
4) Prepare to work harder for the "free" stuff than if you did your regular job. Between events, social media, videos, pics, conversations at gas stations and everything else I have always lost out on the deal. Remember the deal is you are given the product so you can help sell the product, if you blow off people in grocery store parking lots then you suck and make the companies look bad.
5) Under promise and over deliver....I know I have failed in the past, and as hard as I want to do well sometimes the product is too expensive, to new or whatever and I can't help them sell. That is the reason I am giving my credit card info up front so if I fail I pay, simple.


Officious Intermeddler
So why did you choose QuadVan over Quigley?

Quickly didn’t want to cooperate with your project? Or what?

Just curious

And BTW, thanks for the helpful explanation of the SEMA process to us.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
So why did you choose QuadVan over Quigley?

Quickly didn’t want to cooperate with your project? Or what?

Just curious

And BTW, thanks for the helpful explanation of the SEMA process to us.

Honestly I didn't ask either Quadvan or Quigley before choosing, I knew I would be paying for all or most of the 4wd conversion so I looked at which company would wheel the best.
I really do plan to use my van as an off road machine, living in the southwest and going to remote areas I wanted something that would get over some rocks, across dunes and the Quadvan seemed the more "4x4" option.

I will say that John at Quadvan is harder to get ahold of but once you are talking he will answer ALL your questions, even the ones you didn't know you had. He will tell you what is a good idea and what isn't and he will figure out what will meet your needs. At this time I am not getting any discount on this part of the build so everything I tell you is straight up....and if I do get a deal I will be up front about it.

I just got off the phone with John and took a bunch of notes, give me a bit to put more info together.

On the SEMA process there is far more to tell.....


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
How do you get your vehicle in SEMA?
Find a company that likes what you are doing and be their booth vehicle.....oh that sounds easy :) And this doesn't cost the company or you anything.

Find a company that likes what you are doing and be their outside Feature Vehicle (every exhibitor gets 1 of those).....great for companies with too small a booth to put a rig in. This cost you or the company $400 for SEMA members and $500 for non-member exhibitors. Oh and please tell me you don't expect them to sponsor you AND pay that amount, how rude! At least offer to pay as you should get more than that value out of the deal.

Get on the site and register as someone's Feature Vehicle and they get an email to make sure you aren't a faker, confirmation happens and by today or so you should have confirmation and a move in time.

It all sounds sooooo easy right?

But really how do you do it?
You have that theme right? You did a render right? And then you put together a 6 month to 1 yr plan for events, social media and other methods that will help a company actually sell their goodies.
Now take that PDF document (please tell me it is 1-3 pages, has the render, plan, budget, background and list other partners) and don't just email randomly, target those companies that you are really like, that you are willing to pay full retail to use their product and either attend events and TALK to them face to face or CALL and talk to someone.
Now there is some social engineering required sometimes to get past the gatekeepers and to someone who cares, but you are just proving you would be a good salesperson anyway.
These days you might go through IG or FB dm's but many times the person who post is flooded with request and won't respond.
By the way, if you haven't figured it out by now you better have your 10 sec, 30 sec and long pitch about why in the world working with you is any better a choice to sell product that banner ad's on Expo, FB ads, IG ads or just offering a coupon themselves.
If you can't even do that then get a second job and save everyone the trouble.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Is this some kind of business venture or I just got my rig in SEMA?

Yes :)
You know me Phil, I am always up to something....
Since I do the Disabled Explorers thing as a private person now (the formal non-profit cost too much, too much paperwork and more about running a non-profit than helping people), I wanted something for my son's and I to do that let us work on projects, have fun and make a little money/write off taxes.
Thus Peg Leg Garage was born. Not my full time gig, I work part time at a big hospital and part time doing PLG (while traveling and having fun).
So call it a little more than a personal project and a little less than a full time job, whatever.
The methods for getting a rig into SEMA are are the same for private folks and good work.
Or enter one of the many contest like this and hope


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Why I am switching from my Taco & Treehouse to a Transit? Something friends have been asking....well at least it starts with a T also :)

I really like the Tacoma, it is a Double Cab Long Bed, which means it is longer in wheelbase and overall length that the Transit 130 RB LR, so I will get a tighter turning radius (with Quadvan 4x4 conversion), and a shorter rig. Also the 3.5L Eco-Blaster has 400ftlbs of torque at 2500 RPM, that is great for offroad....and yeah I really will offroad this thing. Not to mention there is plenty of ability to up those numbers through tuning, turbo swaps and more if I really want MOpower.

The Treehouse has been great and the Taco barely knows it is there, it has been so great I want MORE space, not to mention it has caused my nieces and nephews to go camping which means we need more inside space.

So low roof short wheelbase Transit with a 2-3in lift, running 33's (that will be some work) and a Sportsmobile poptop will be easier to off road and give me more room to sleep/store/play.

b. rock

Active member
If you're after running 33s, want a van, and plan to wheel, are going to do a pop top, why not the econoline platform instead?


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
If you're after running 33s, want a van, and plan to wheel, are going to do a pop top, why not the econoline platform instead?

I had a Sportsmobile E350 before and there was much I liked about it, but it is gone and I think the Transit will be a better setup for the highway miles and then you have the IFS which might have less bounce when offroad.
All part of the fun of building something new


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Really good day of phone tag today, a huge part of a SEMA project starts with research and then phone calls, then some emails if the chat went well (yeah I am not one for cold emailing people).

Started with Wil at Sierra Expeditions. If you are anywhere near Phx that is a must-stop shop. He is one of the original folks who started bringing "Overland" goods into the US years ago. I remember waiting on shipping containers to arrive since no one else but he and Paul of Equipt sold fridges, tents and other goodies from Oz and South Africa.
Then I chatted with Owl Vans about a prototype rear tire carrier for the Transit...that is coming along and I have hopes.
Then a call to Aluminess to pay for a front bumper...and schedule install. I am happy to pay full retail as I loved my E350 and FJ bumpers from them.
Then George at Extreme Outback as they have the best air compressors I have run and the new Endura sounds cool...again happy to pay retail.
Then final details with Sportsmobile to make sure a Race Red pop top will be sitting there waiting on me, another company I will pay with joy.
After that it was a call to a winch company, some light companies, locker folks, and tire options.....more news soon on those.

Lastly,I reworked my 31 day, 4500 mile road trip that will start at the Ford Kansas City Assembly Plant where I will pick up the bare beast and end at SEMA plan is to have the Garmin InReach running and update from the road along the way.
Does anyone have contacts at Ford? As an amputee I would really like to meet any disabled workers that helped build my van and see how Ford supports their workers. I know my hospital will pretty much do anything I ask if it helps me take care of patients....I hope Ford is the same.


Kapitis Indagatoris
Sounds like a awesome, crazy adventure. As for KC, my old stomping grounds before retiring and moving to Colorado, if you are looking for great food and drink lmk since the plant is north of the river in Clay County. As for the Ford plant contacts, I may still have some as long as the old farts haven't retired and moved to Florida or something. LMK. Good luck!


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Paul I will be picking your brain on the BBQ options, being from Texas I look forward to what KC has to offer.

Pass the word if you know anyone what wants a well setup Tacoma & Treehouse, I will be posting it up for sale soon.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Updated on the project

We more moving right along lining up the right partners who make the best goodies for this Overland, VanLife, Chase Van.

Sportsmobile has us on the schedule for the electric poptop, it will have a Thule rack rail that we plan to use for solar panel mounts.

Quadvan has us scheduled for the 4wd conversion which will include a gear ratio change to 3.73, limited slip/lockers, rear axle shock mount shortening, installation of VanCompass intercooler and diff skids, and a bit more.

Aluminess has us on the schedule for a front bumper install.

Extreme Outback is working on our list of On Board Air Compressors, tanks and bits.....can't wait to check out the new Endura line. Having owned a Magnum and High Output compressor I am sure the Endura rocks.

Scheel-Mann is getting our super supportive and amazing seats ready.

Heatshield Products is figuring out the best way to keep the heat and sound out of the van. Watch for some testing on our Tacoma & Treehouse camper soon.

And we are working out a match between a Redarc Manager 30 and some solar panels.

Plenty more to setttle like tires, wheels, lights, winch, fridge, recovery gear and more.

Our current stress fest is getting a hold of the right person at Ford to let us come in and tour/video the Van moving down the assembly line. Our build date is October 3rd. I know the Kansas City Plant doesn't do public tours but the hope is that as a media company with a disabled guy who will drive the van it would be great to meet any disabled Ford employees who helped design/build it. Always great to see and hear stories of workers who are well supported by companies.

Watch for update on each partner on why we choose them, the cool stuff they make and best of all the struggles happening behind the scenes to line up the rest of the build.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Update time....

Method 701's arrive today, looking forward to finding out if the Bead Grip thing is for real.....50% off for doing some social media posting

Extreme Outback Endura air compressors (yeah going for 2, will explain why later), air tank and misc in route

Working on a roof rack and other custom goodies with a local builder, should have some pics/video tomorow

Aluminess bumper scheduled for install Oct 10th, paying full price as they helped me in the past.

Talking to some winch companies but I plan to do a rec mount so I can move it front or rear as needed.

Talking to a light company, someone I am glad to see updating their product line.

VanCompass bits ordered (paid full retail), intercooler skid, rear diff skid, custom valve Fox rear shocks (paid full price), Bilstien front struts (I wish there was a resi version by someone), rear drop in floor storage (cutting a brand new van, too funny), Ditch light brackets and some other bits.

Scheduled with Sportsmobile West for a Poptop, CR Lawrence drivers side T window, solar prep (paying full retail for all this, again SMB really helped me in the past)

Heatshield products order placed (any discount will come after I pay retail and do well by them)

Still searching tires.....

Solar/battery...talking with Victron about their full complement of bits, not sure what deal we will get to but I would be happy with anything as I love the Victron bits I am running in my Tacoma & Treehouse

Scheel-Mann seats, still working a deal but my busted back, hip and fake leg all tell me to pay retail if I have to.

Fridge - still hunting a deal, I ran an ARB 63qt low profile in my '70 burb for years and beat on it in Baja and loved my ARB lockers so I hope they will do something, Dometic makes nice stuff and a dual door would be interesting for the beverage vs food side, National Luna Twin is working crazy well in my Treehouse camper even with 115 ambient and 126 surface temps (upcoming story on that) but Equipt says the new stuff won't be available will after SEMA

Lockers - I have owned ARB air locker and like the 100% sureness but Eaton TruTrac seems to be popular in van builds. I have not be able to find the right person at Eaton to talk with and I sent a proposal to ARB.

Rollercam for load lashing, I have been using these since I paid full retail for a bunch at the last Overland Expo, I really don't like ratchet straps and these are my new favorites. I am talking with them about custom making me some for unique gear storage like the ARB X-jack.

23Zero awning - on my Tacoma / Treehouse I have the Darche 270 awning but they are not easy to get in the USA and Justin at 23Zero seems to have made improvements so I hope I can get one for this van build.

More stuff to come as boxes arrive and deals are done. I will try to keep full disclosure in effect and please slap me around if I don't.

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