shock install question


I feel really dumb asking because I know the answer is going to be obvious, but...

I got a set of Pro Comp ES3000 shocks and they came fully compressed to fit in the box. There is no obvious limiting strap, so I'm not sure how exactly I'm supposed to "release" them. If anyone knows, please let me know. Thanks.


I'm not seeing anything obvious. I thought about prying a bit with a screwdriver but wanted to ask around first. Both are like this and both barely fit in the factory boxes, so I'm sure it's not a case of getting a bad shock.


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post a pic of the whole shock. those pics make it seem like thats just a tube with an eye and a stud. u should be able to see the shiny saft alittle even if they are compressed. im not farmilliar with that series of shock, but they dont need to be charged do they?


Expedition Leader
if there's no retainer- they are fully open !

as they are a gas shock, at least every gas shock I've ever seencome either fully extended, or has a retainer


Thank you all. Mystery solved

Thanks guys. As it turns out, these aren't the kind of shocks that are constantly struggling to expand. This type is constantly stuggling to not move at all. I tried the idea of turning the stem to "unlock" it, but I bolted the bottom eyelet in first, so if it shot up I could just aim it at the top mount. Well, it didn't do anything. I was getting pretty frustrated because mounting the bottom eyelet involved laying in a puddle, excessive amounts of Vasoline, and a hammer. I know, I know, that sounds like a good Friday night, but long story short I eventually took a pocket knife and started prying in different spots until I found one that gave. Then I could "stretch" the shock out. I attached a photo to this post, with an arrow at the appropriate pry point. I'm including all this because I spent a good two hours online last night and couldn't find anyone else who had experienced this. Maybe the next guy to search will run across this. Anyway, thanks again for the ideas.

pro comp es3000 procomp es 3000 shocks shock aborber absorbers fully compressed totally compressed completely compressed closed shut unextended not extended won't extend can't isn't


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I thought of that, but when I stop and think about it, this makes more sense than the kind I've used before. It's my springs' job to hold the truck up, not the shocks. They're meant to control the rate of spring flex, right? So there's really no need for them to work only in one direction, if I'm thinking correctly. Besides, these have gotten some pretty good reviews and as a starving grad student, the price is right.


Well-known member
Sounds like you have a set of Steering Dampeners. Suspension shocks should not have a 50/50 bias and in fact should be much more like 75/25 or 20/80 depending on variables such as spring rate and suspension type (coil or leaf).

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