I totally agree with Nanabijou's take on this mattress. I give these guys credit for creativity, but their basic premise---"Air mattresses suck"---is faulty and the specs for this mattress are not attractive to me for any type of camping.
Air mattresses don't suck. They're very comfortable and comfort can be adjusted by adding or letting out air. In the past decade I've slept something like 500 nights on air mattresses that didn't leak. The most comfort you can get in a camping mattress is air for support plus a layer of foam on top for softness, as in the REI Campbed and the Exped Megamat.
The website doesn't specify what kind of foam this is, but I would never buy a 2" foam mattress. All types of foam compress over time, which never happens to an air mattress. I can't image someone over 200 lbs being comfortable on 2".
Together the mattress and pump weigh 7 lbs. That's way too heavy for a 2" mattress!!
Bottom line, there are many mattresses on the market that are thicker and lighter than this one. I don't think the CompREST is competitive with Exped mattresses in any way except price, which only underlines the lower quality. Compare these specs:
EXPED Synmat Mega 12 MW:
Size: 4.7 x 26 x 73
Weight: 2lbs 8 oz
Packed size: 6 x 11
R-value: 5.3 (-4 degrees F)
Inflates in 1 minute with a tiny nylon bag
Size: 2 x 25 74
Weight with pump: 7 lbs
Packed size: 4.5 x 9 x 24 + pump 3 x 5.5 x 7.5 = about 9 x 31 for both together
R-value: Not stated
In other words, the Exped weighs less than half of the CompREST, yet it's more than twice as thick.
The main selling point is that the pump compresses the foam into a smaller package. But that advantage is lost when you combine the packed size of the mattress and the pump. Then the CompRest is about the same size as the whopping Exped Megamat 10 (10 x 32) and the REI Campbed 3.5 (6 x 26), both of which offer more comfort for less weight than the CompRest.
I do concede that inflating and repacking a mattress in a few seconds is an attractive feature, but not at the expense of more weight and bulk for less comfort.