

Expedition Leader
Well guys I was at home reading the article on Sloging the Glades in the last N.G.A. Mag. Got me thinking that I should go down and do it again since it's been years since I've done any sloging down there. I'm gonna go down there in late Jan for a long week end. Hopefully get to put in a friday afternoon/ sunday slog and then a trail ride on Sunday come home monday Shooting for Jan 13-16.

Hmm lets see things to bring. Walking stick, Camera, gps, waders, waterproof backpack, gator repellant!!!


Expedition Leader
Nullifier said:
Well guys I was at home reading the article on Sloging the Glades in the last N.G.A. Mag. Got me thinking ...Hmm lets see things to bring. Walking stick, Camera, gps, waders, waterproof backpack, gator repellant!!!
So, please enlighten this poor bastard: what the hell is sloging?


+ d

isn't that what tom waits and john lurie do after they break out of the prison in "down by law"?


Expedition Leader
Slogging is a term coined by one of the early biologists studying the glades a few decades ago. It's basicallly a walkabout in the swamp. The terrain will vary from soft grass fields to waste deep alligator infested ponds and creeks. The goal is to gain access to some parts of the glades that few people get to see. There are oportunities to see endangered Orchids and other rare Flora/fauna. Slogging is the only real way to see the glades. It is also the least commonly done.

99% of the touristas visit the boardwalks and info centers so they are never far form their car, but miles away from from the wildlife. Kind of a well mapped out plan by the forest service to keep those "damn yankees" from becoming gator meat LOL!

More adventurus travelers go by canoe/kayak and travel the wilderness waterway. a 100 mile trail going from the west side (everglades City) to the east side Flamingo. Having said that the waterway is nice but Sloging the wetland marsh is the best. Is is slow travel so you earn every step, but very rewarding.


Expedition Leader
That sounds fun! I'd love to do that a little father west of you and look for the Ivory-billed woodpecker. :cool:

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