SLO's FWC Hawk Refurb/Build...


Well Guys! I ended up running accross a 1990 FWC Hawk for sale here locally and just couldn't pass it up. The old Skamper is dialed and I had no reason to get it, but I couldn't resist!! :bike_rider: Sad to see the Skamper go and if you read through the thread I have had TONS of fun with my first budget build.

Time to start a NEW project I guess. Main reason I picked it up was because it was design for a full size. While I like all the storage in my last build I am looking forward to having more room inside the camper. Not to mention the Queen bed sold the girlfriend right then and there! HAHA

SO, here starts the refurbish and build of my 1990 Four Wheel Camper Hawk!!!! SO EXCITED! :wings:

Here are some pictures. Ill get to clean it out, build a base to clear the cab, and mount it properly to my truck this weekend. Im looking forward to digging into the project and wanted to say thanks to all the people on this forum who post pictures and describe their builds. A couple of years ago I was just a "lurker" and here I am now on my 2nd camper build! haha :snorkel:

On the truck Safe and Sound! WHEW! The previous owner was the 2nd owner and had owned it since 94'. Only reason he was selling it was because he ordered a brand new one from FWC!






Inside Shots. Not that great, but has a fridge, heater, stove, and sink. Folding bench and table as well. Its going to get a good ole SLO refurb for sure! Defiantly could use a little modification for better use of space like the newer FWC's.



Lastly I wanted to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT TO STAN! He answered my emails and gave me advice even though I was buying an old used FWC. I dont know where people get these "bad service" stories, but all I gotta say is when one day I go to buy a new one, Stan has got my business. Thank you STAN! :bowdown:

Hope Ya'll enjoy the build.


Thanks for the comments guys! We'll I got a chance to did into the camper a bit this weekend. My goals were to mainly clean it up, build a base for it to sit on so it clears my cab a bit more, and to seal the outside.

Got her off the truck and ready for some work!

I then took all the cushions out of the camper and threw the covers in the wash for a good long wash cylce. The ended up cleaning up nicely. Guess the old retro brown will stay. :snorkel:
Here are a few shots of the inside all cleaned up.



Feeling good, it was about 6:00pm and time for a BBQ and some beers. :beer:

That night it bothered me about how dirty the thing still felt. The previous owner had defiantly used it well and didn't exactly keep it up to my standards. Since this is going to be a camper I plan on keeping for a while, I was up at 6:30am the next morning with coffee and tools in hand. Time to start the real stuff!!!! :elkgrin:

I disassembled the bench which is really basic btw and then tore out the old side carpet and flooring. MUCH BETTER!

The old staple construction was pretty taxed so I predrilled holes all over. Filled them with gorilla glue and screwed treated decks screws everywhere, especially some extras around the bolt/turnbuckles. Now Im feeling good. :smiley_drive:



Unfortunately, I found a bit of dryrot in the upper corners of the plywood. You can see it in the picts above. Ill have to dig it out and fiberglass resin the void.
Also, the front lift panel is pretty much done. I saw this when I bought it, but didnt realize how much work they are to fix. Put a call into Terry at FWC yesterday. I'm going to buy one the last few remaining wood panel kits. They run about $200. The new composite panel kits are over $400! YIKES! Glad they have a couple wood kits left.

Sorry for the fuzzy pict.

Next up was a simple platform. I built it out of 2x3 studs. It raised the camper up just enough. About 1-1/2" over the cab. Looks great and fits just right!!!



I plan on sealing and painting all the exposed wood on the exterior of the camper a bit later. Just ran out of time.

Going to be able to get a little time to keep rocking and rolling on it again this weekend. Plan is to get the fridge out and give it a good cleaning and servicing. I want to add a drawer right below the sink and above the fridge as there is enough room. I also plan on taking out all of the sliding doors and I think they are cheesy. Ill add regular cabinet doors at all those locations. We'll see how it goes! :roost:


Congrats on the new toy, nice score! Having owned both as well, I can say the skamper's are cool and the most solid wood-framed camper I've seen, but the FWC's are on a completely different level. Can't wait to see the buildup.

Overland Hadley

on a journey
That night it bothered me about how dirty the thing still felt. The previous owner had defiantly used it well and didn't exactly keep it up to my standards. Since this is going to be a camper I plan on keeping for a while, I was up at 6:30am the next morning with coffee and tools in hand. Time to start the real stuff!!!! :elkgrin:

I like it!


Congrats on the new toy, nice score! Having owned both as well, I can say the skamper's are cool and the most solid wood-framed camper I've seen, but the FWC's are on a completely different level. Can't wait to see the buildup.

Thanks Carl! There are a lot of things I liked about the ole Skamper. One thing that Im not a fan of is the FWC lifting system. The crank up top was sure nice on the Skamper. Ill also miss the under bed storage and the ability to keep my bedding on the bed and close the top. Im sure after I get organized in the Hawk Ill be super happy with it. I really like the extra room so far. How is your camping going? Any picts of the rig?

Overland Hadley said:
I Like It!
Thanks! I'm so going to use some ideas from your build! :elkgrin:

GCecchetto said:
Man, that looks exactly like mine did when I started tearing it apart. Have fun!

Once the tearing starts, it doesnt stop! I already have plans to add drawers, relocate the water tank and battery, etc. The list goes on! CRAP! Im under the gun on time too. The Girlfriend and I have a road trip planned Mid-August and neither of us want to go back to tent camping after having a pop-up for 2.5 years. I better brew more coffee and drink less beer on the weekend! :sombrero:

Alright Guys, I have some questions:

Question #1
There are a few small rips/holes in the canvas. The biggest rip being 1" and hole being pencil sized. What would you "vets" recommend for patching?
1) Patch & Glue adhesive Kit?
2) Canvas Tape?

Doing an internet search there are plenty of options out there. Is there any certian type any of you have used and had good luck with. The tape seems to be a pretty sweet quick fix.

Question #2
What in the world did FWC put on the exposed aluminum in the camper. Its seems like a stick on foam that over time has deteriorated. :REOutShootinghunter Its all around the top of the walls where the lower canvas joins and in the front corners.

Any ideas on what to use to cover this up? Anyone messed with it or should I just turn my head. :ylsmoke:

Question #3
My dang canvas is pretty dirty & stained. See Pict Above. What is the best product to get the stains off and get it looking like new again?



nice refurb. What I have read is that if its mildew, the stain wont come out. Subscribing to see what you come up with.


nice refurb. What I have read is that if its mildew, the stain wont come out. Subscribing to see what you come up with.

Thanks Jason. Hopefully I can get the canvas looking a little better.

Since the first phase of the refurb is going to be FAST & FURIOUS I'll keep the picts coming!

Tore out the fridge last night. The PO never serviced it and said it didn't work too well. Usually they just need a really good cleaning and this is now the 2nd Dometic 2193 I've had I know what to do. WHEW! :coffee: Left it on 120V last night and it was 35 degrees in the am. Electric stuff works! :wings:

Tearing more crap out!

Fridge Finally out. Its a tight fit back there. I like how FWC just has an outlet back there to plug the fridge in.

The heater. Apparently this is a fairly nice heater. All auto. No more lighting myself. Sweet. Lots of wiring so I will probably leave this in and vacume/clean the areas I can.

OK, so we all know that there is a 4" dead space above the fridge. Plenty of room for storage. In addition to my previous questions (Ya'll thought you were off the hook huh!) what should I do? Its pretty dang tight for a small drawer, but I measured and drew it up last night and think I can get it to work. My other option have part of the counter top flip up like my old skamper. Then just box in a storage space under the fold up counter portion. It was pretty slick, and would be easier to get in there than a drawer. Unfortunately I don't have a pict of it though.

So, what do you guys think?

Previous questions in case ya'll forgot. :)
Question #1
There are a few small rips/holes in the canvas. The biggest rip being 1" and hole being pencil sized. What would you "vets" recommend for patching?
1) Patch & Glue adhesive Kit?
2) Canvas Tape?

Doing an internet search there are plenty of options out there. Is there any certian type any of you have used and had good luck with. The tape seems to be a pretty sweet quick fix.

Question #2
What in the world did FWC put on the exposed aluminum in the camper. Its seems like a stick on foam that over time has deteriorated. Its all around the top of the walls where the lower canvas joins and in the front corners.
Any ideas on what to use to cover this up? Anyone messed with it or should I just turn my head.

Question #3
My dang canvas is pretty dirty & stained. See Pict Above. What is the best product to get the stains off and get it looking like new again?

Happy Friday!! :friday:


I like the flip up counter top myself, very simple and effective, as long as you don't store anything in there you'll need access to whilest preparing dinner on the same counter.

As for my Skamper, it just left with its new owner about an hour ago. :( Tomorrow its replacement should arrive though, assuming all goes well (which it never seems to).


I like the flip up counter top myself, very simple and effective, as long as you don't store anything in there you'll need access to whilest preparing dinner on the same counter.

As for my Skamper, it just left with its new owner about an hour ago. :( Tomorrow its replacement should arrive though, assuming all goes well (which it never seems to).

Whoa Whoa Whoa! Whats this, the skamper is gone!? OK, you better divulge some details on the replacement? FWC? New? Used? I gotta know! haha :drool:

Went to Home Depot tonight to get a bunch of stuff on my list for the interior. Going to be a fairly big change. I decided to keep the water take where it is though. Maybe Ill move that later down the line, but Im doing a full interior face list.



Alright Guys, I have some questions:

Question #1
There are a few small rips/holes in the canvas. The biggest rip being 1" and hole being pencil sized. What would you "vets" recommend for patching?
1) Patch & Glue adhesive Kit?
2) Canvas Tape?

Doing an internet search there are plenty of options out there. Is there any certian type any of you have used and had good luck with. The tape seems to be a pretty sweet quick fix.

My dang canvas is pretty dirty & stained. See Pict Above. What is the best product to get the stains off and get it looking like new again?

Take a look at the above link from Wander The West, this one and and others on the site talk about canvas repairs and maintenance. Something you may want to consider looking at your front panel is trimming the front lip on the top. The newer FWC's have a rubber/vinyl like trim on the front lip of the top that helps seal the void between the top and rest of the camper when the top is down. Helps keep water being "driven" into the front bed area when going down the road. Another tip is to check and re-seal the screws on the roof. Mine kept getting wet over the bed with the top down. The culprit was a couple of screws needing re-sealed.

Enjoy the overhaul...and the trips to come.

Oh, by the way, thanks for the previous posts of your Skamper. I found them bth educational and entertaining.


Wanna Be
I read on popupportal of a guy using ajax and a stiff brush to clean his canvas. Probably need to apply some sealer when it is finished.



Take a look at the above link from Wander The West, this one and and others on the site talk about canvas repairs and maintenance. Something you may want to consider looking at your front panel is trimming the front lip on the top. The newer FWC's have a rubber/vinyl like trim on the front lip of the top that helps seal the void between the top and rest of the camper when the top is down. Helps keep water being "driven" into the front bed area when going down the road. Another tip is to check and re-seal the screws on the roof. Mine kept getting wet over the bed with the top down. The culprit was a couple of screws needing re-sealed.

Enjoy the overhaul...and the trips to come.

Oh, by the way, thanks for the previous posts of your Skamper. I found them bth educational and entertaining.

Thanks for the info link to WTW. I've been lurking on there to learn more about the new camper. Great Site! Checking all the screws on the roof is defiantly high on this list. I did notice that the lip seems small and that dirt & grime make their way in there. I was thinking about adding a piece of aluminum to the front lip to help it. The inside was just so thrashed that I had to start the interior remodel first. Luckily Im in sunny Santa Barbara so no rain right now. Glad you liked my Skamper Build. That was a great camper. I had a blast with it

Skeeno said:
read on popupportal of a guy using ajax and a stiff brush to clean his canvas. Probably need to apply some sealer when it is finished

Thanks. Ajax seems it might be a little harsh. Ill have to think about that one.

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