Hello and good day.
Firstly I would like to say hello to you all. What a fantastic forum, i'm so glad i've found it, so much incredible information on here and stories the likes of which I can only dream of.
My name is Stafford and I live in the south of the UK. During a recent mid life crisis I have realised that sitting in an office all day every day and working 6-7 days per week does not give one a full life.
I love camping and have done a fair bit of motorhome travel. But I yearn for something more.
I therefore decided to build my own excavation vehicle.
I having seen many builds of exploration vehicles I have decided on using the DAF 4x4 Army vehicle, so this is what I have decided upon.
This is the beastie here
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They are 4 wheel drive, have really simple mechanicals and go on forever, also they are cheap, my budget is limited.
Now here is where my problems start. The vehicle is rated for 10.5 tons, I can downgrade it to 7.5 tons on my current licence. The running vehicle taken down to the chassis (back removed) is 4.3 tons
So realistically this gives me 2.9 tons to build the camper section at the rear (including all electrics, water systems, heating, the lot).
To keep the weight down I am thinking of a 3 point tortion system. Then building the frame and floor out of Aluminium box section, 100mmx50mm for the floor and then 50mm x 50mm for the rest.
In your opinion would this be strong enough?
My next query is the tortion system, I am thinking of 3 or 4 points doen the chassis of steel 12mm thick then either side 2x 12mm thick alumimium plate can't post pictures so......
X is the chassis
Y is the body
Where they meat have large neoprene washers and stainless bolts.
Again in your opinion would this be strong enough and would the SS interfere with the Aluminium.
I look forward to your opinions, so excited about this, but it's also very daunting.
Firstly I would like to say hello to you all. What a fantastic forum, i'm so glad i've found it, so much incredible information on here and stories the likes of which I can only dream of.
My name is Stafford and I live in the south of the UK. During a recent mid life crisis I have realised that sitting in an office all day every day and working 6-7 days per week does not give one a full life.
I love camping and have done a fair bit of motorhome travel. But I yearn for something more.
I therefore decided to build my own excavation vehicle.
I having seen many builds of exploration vehicles I have decided on using the DAF 4x4 Army vehicle, so this is what I have decided upon.
This is the beastie here
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They are 4 wheel drive, have really simple mechanicals and go on forever, also they are cheap, my budget is limited.
Now here is where my problems start. The vehicle is rated for 10.5 tons, I can downgrade it to 7.5 tons on my current licence. The running vehicle taken down to the chassis (back removed) is 4.3 tons
So realistically this gives me 2.9 tons to build the camper section at the rear (including all electrics, water systems, heating, the lot).
To keep the weight down I am thinking of a 3 point tortion system. Then building the frame and floor out of Aluminium box section, 100mmx50mm for the floor and then 50mm x 50mm for the rest.
In your opinion would this be strong enough?
My next query is the tortion system, I am thinking of 3 or 4 points doen the chassis of steel 12mm thick then either side 2x 12mm thick alumimium plate can't post pictures so......
X is the chassis
Y is the body
Where they meat have large neoprene washers and stainless bolts.
Again in your opinion would this be strong enough and would the SS interfere with the Aluminium.
I look forward to your opinions, so excited about this, but it's also very daunting.