So what dish or recipe are you "known" for?


Myself? I'm "known" for my spaghetti sauce and salsa.

I start the sauce early in the morning made from scratch. Usually takes six hours from fridge to plate.

The salsa I make is awesome. I think its hit or miss sometime as I don't follow a recipe. You need to try a few splashes of a good quality aged Rum to your next batch.

I am good on the grill, but before I die, I would love to grill a Mortens quality steak.

What about you?

Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
My steak marinade:

Salad oil
Soy sauce
Mustard powder
A couple garlic cloves minced

I don't measure anything, so it is always a little bit different but still familiar each time I make it. I don't know why its so good, it just is. My other marinade for steak fajitas is this:

Salad oil
Soy Sauce
Minced garlic cloves
Fresh lime juice
Mustard seed coarsely ground with mortar and pestle
Chili powder


My steak marinade:

Salad oil
Soy sauce
Mustard powder
A couple garlic cloves minced

I don't measure anything, so it is always a little bit different but still familiar each time I make it. I don't know why its so good, it just is. My other marinade for steak fajitas is this:

Salad oil
Soy Sauce
Minced garlic cloves
Fresh lime juice
Mustard seed coarsely ground with mortar and pestle
Chili powder

I'm actually gonna try your steak marinade tonight!


Photographer in the Wild
I also have a special marinade I use on tri-tip and chicken. Thats what i get asked to grill most often but my wife begs me to make my chili beans.
the rest of my family begs me to make drinks lol margaritas and mixed drinks are kind of a specialty

butter scotch schnapps
irish cream
gold shlagger (just a touch)
whip cream


Tail-End Charlie
File Gumbo.

Not gonna give out the whole recipe, but some of the ingredients are chicken, sausage, peeled and de-viened shrimp (I use big shrimp, not shrimpy shrimp), catfish fillets, bacon, onions, okra (of course!), bell peppers, several different kinds of chiles (no seeds) and a few other things...

"First you make a roux..."

I start by browning the bacon (very well done and crispy to be crumbled) in the big pot, then take it out and set it aside, then I brown 3 cut up chickens and a couple of onions in the bacon grease. Then toss in all the chicken and boil to make the stock. Take out all the chunky bits with a big strainer spoon and remove all the bones and set aside for later.

Let the stock sit and cool a while so all the fat comes to the top and then scoop it off.

I really shouldn't tell you this...but...the secret is to make the roux with the bacon/chicken fat from the stock instead of butter or shortening.

The trick is adding the ingredients in the right order at the right time so everything gets cooked just right but nothing gets too heavily overcooked (not critical, after all it IS a stew).

Add the mild chiles early, and then about halfway through split off 1/3 into another pot for the kids and wimps and then add the real peppers to the grown-up batch. You want those chiles to have enough time to slow cook so the heat sneaks up instead of burning the mouth.

Serve over rice - in a bowl so they can stir it up. Garnish with the crumbly bacon and some finely chopped chives (saved from the green onions that went in the pot).


In the family I'm known for honey walnut prawns and grilled/bbq chicken. I snagged the prawns of the 'net, but the chicken is my own and so simple. I use breasts that are skinned and dredge them through chili powder, let sit for a bit, then grill/bbq. The chili powder will will form a nice crust sealing in the moisture and it is just so good. It has to be skinned or the chili doesn't penetrate to the meat and its not near as good. My friends and colleagues know me for my homemade jerky, I thow in a variety of dried and ground peppers along with some bourbon whiskey and smoke it with mesquite it seems to do the trick.

My sister is known (and feared) for her salted Jello recipe. Make jello as directed except add salt to boil faster, refrigerate, serve, watch everyone gag and flee.
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Myself? I'm "known" for my spaghetti sauce and salsa.


Buttermilk with cheese some marinade and rusted tomatoes with papers my FAW

Lets talk first what type of pasta we will cook :chef:

And afther we talk ctr and what wine we will serve :ylsmoke:


my burger is pretty amazing too. bacon, jalapeños, pepper jack cheese and bbq sauce. sea salt, fresh pepper, and corn fed beef is the key.

My ribs...3-2-1 method.

I think I am going to start on a chili this year also.

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