SOFTACO's not a M101a2 anymore build


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So for about 6 years I have been lurking in the background seeing ideas on here and bouncing them off my brain to build a camping trailer to pull behind my Tacoma. For most of those years we have been getting by with no issues as a family of 3 with 2 dogs and using a hitch carrier if needed. In 2019 my wife gave birth to our second daughter and camping became hard to take everyone. My plans kept going back to building a frame and using a utility service bed to mount a RTT on eventually down the road, but I am frugal and finding the perfect deal was hard.

So then came the pandemic and me finally easing off my frugal ways and I found a trailer in November of 2020 a few hours from my house. It had very little rusting issues and the price was super cheap. My plans have changed back and forth for this build from custom frame and utility bed to a basic M101 build and then to this weird mixed idea which is starting to come together.

Bare with me as I post updates that have happened over the last 7 months, lots of pictures and measurements as well as weights have been taken over this process.

Here is what she looked like the day I brought her home

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