New member
Hey everyone. I had a weekend from hell with bugs and heat in my camper last weekend, so I am starting to develop a bug screen product for both sides and the tailgate. This could totally end up just being something I make for me and myself, BUT, if anyone has interest in this, take 2 min to fill this out. I have a Super Pacific, but I would be looking at this as a quick and easy way to facilitate any wedge style camper. Again, this could be totally something just for my own mosquito bite riddled body... But if not, here is the 5 question Typeform survey on the idea. I greatly appreciate it!
LINK: https://2w6cgzmdg9d.typeform.com/to/Teas2dIm
My build btw

LINK: https://2w6cgzmdg9d.typeform.com/to/Teas2dIm
My build btw