This comes up every once in awhile; cheapish, light, simple shell to use for camping. I was bored and did some investigating and came up with these. They all attach to the bed rails. IMO being able to sit up comfortably is the minimum, and I need about 58". The DCU just makes that with the 36" tall option. The Ez-Lite and Belaire can be tall enough to stand in or near that. Any others you know of?
Ez-Lite. Has a slide out sleeping berth, but still mounts to the bed rails. $8k+: http://www.ezlitecampers.com/ezcamper2015pro.php
Belaire. Tallest option is 48"+ bed depth. $5800+: http://belairshells.com/custom-camper-shells
A.R.E DCU. Many customization options; heavy duty skins, sloped or vertical sides, sloped or square front, many door options. Aluminum construction. Nationwide dealers. $4k+?: https://www.4are.com/product/commercial_aluminum/?cp=dcu
Ez-Lite. Has a slide out sleeping berth, but still mounts to the bed rails. $8k+: http://www.ezlitecampers.com/ezcamper2015pro.php

Belaire. Tallest option is 48"+ bed depth. $5800+: http://belairshells.com/custom-camper-shells

A.R.E DCU. Many customization options; heavy duty skins, sloped or vertical sides, sloped or square front, many door options. Aluminum construction. Nationwide dealers. $4k+?: https://www.4are.com/product/commercial_aluminum/?cp=dcu

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