Temporary cooler


What if you need a cooler at the start of an expedition, but don't want it in the way/to store it for the rest of the trip?
I have used thick multiple/several layers of towels to store solidly frozen food. The longer you want it to stay cool, the more layers you use when you diaper it with the thick towels. Over time, of course, it thaws, but will stay cool quite a while. When you get all the layers of fluffy towels you think you'll need, put it in a cardboard box for protection and a bit more insulation.
Heavy items will compress the towels and lose heat faster on the bottom.
Bubble reflective material can be used, too. Quite efficient insulator, and insulation value stands up well to some weight.
A block of dry ice can be wrapped in the package if you want it to stay cold longer.

What is the advantage? Well, the cardboard box can be flattened or burned, the towels can be used as clean towels,
or put flat under the mattress....
Not a wonderful idea, but functional in certain situations.
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I'd be wary of using dry ice in a container that isn't sealed... your trip and life might be over sooner than you planned in an enclosed vehicle.


I was thinking quick, cheap, and easy....
And essentially "gone" when you don't need the cool/cold capacity in a day or two.
NOT high tech nor latest n greatest....

Whatever works for you.


I like it.

And if anyone is worried about dry ice boiling off, well, the numbers don't support a risk even if your vehicle was 100% air tight.


For cheap and disposable, and pretty darn effective, it's hard to beat plain old newspaper. My dad used to do this and I remember how well it worked.


New member
we get refrigerated medicine delivered in a cardboard box with wool insulation and a couple of ice packs. The ice packs will remain frozen for a couple of days quite happily in our office once the medicine has been taken out. The insulation is 2-3cm of wool in a plastic pouch that goes round the thing that needs to be cold. The ice packs are just frozen water in something that looks like giant bubble wrap, each bubble being about 2cm*3cm*1cm and there are about 12 bubbles per pack, and 2 packs per box that's about 30*30*30cm.



Expedition Leader
Another option is a collapsible/soft sided ice chest.

We have used these for many years on trips and they work very well as an ice chest, and as luggage! On trips we fly, I pack clothes in one, plus a small duffle bag.When not needed, it folds flat and small - expanded - 16W X 24L X 12H, folded - 16W X 24L X 2H, rolled 16L X 8D.

Ours soft IC is made for whitewater rafting and I don't recall the brand, but it was just over $100.00. It will hold ice for a couple of days, is incredibly strong, does not leak, and makes trips nicer knowing we have our own ice chest.

Just another idea.


The wool idea sounds good. I know it works great on....me...lol
So, I guess the search is on at Goodwill for wool....anything.
Let's see. Cardboard outside, with layers of towel, wool, newspaper, styrofoam, aluminized bubble wrap......
All inside a soft sided, collapsible, foldable insulated cooler!
This is big! Lol

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