TeraFlex Plus Re-Gear Problems....


no retreat, no surrender
Some of you may remember I re-geared my 2011 (auto) JKU to 4.88's and added ARB lockers up front (already had lsd in the rear) at TeraFlex Plus. Yes, I properly broke the new gears in, then had them change out the gear oil.

About 3 months later, and a couple of states away (had it done at TeraFlex Plus in Murray, Utah. Am now in north county San Diego, CA until the fall...) I'm hearing a whirring noise. Took it to my mechanic, who diagnosed at least pinion gear bearings are shot. The rear diff fluid was FULL of metal shavings... He recommended I take it to Jerry at Oceanside Driveline.

When the folks at TeraFlex Plus did the re-gear, they chose to not instal new pinion gear bearings, stating mine were perfect.

3 mechanics have now told me that there is only one reason for my bearings to fail this soon. There are two ways to set up a re-gear.
1) Using new bearings -
2) Re-using the original bearings.
In the second case, the bearings can not be tightened as much as if they were new. And so - they must have set the system up as if they used all new parts, tightening them too much.

Now, my jeep is at Oceanside Driveline... and apart. The front is good.
The rear is thrashed, including the ring and pinion gears, all bearings, the lsd is chewed up and carrier bearings too. The entire rear end is having to be rebuilt. Ouch!
Driving it back to Utah was not an option. Too far. Too much damage already. Wouldn't have made it

I put a couple of calls in to one of the service fellows, to let them know the predicament I'm in, and get specifics on the re-gear (double checking my facts). I've emailed TeraFlex Plus (Dennis Wood is the service manager) yesterday. And I've sending a hard copy letter today. Haven't heard anything from the email as yet...

Will keep you posted as to the outcome.

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Keep all the receipts and if it was under warranty see if they will reimburse you for the parts. Next time have the shop use all new parts. Bearings aren't meant to be pulled and swapped, even though plenty of places will do it to save you a little money it'll usually end up costing you more in the long run. Think of it like changing the oil but not the filter, you just created a fail point.


no retreat, no surrender
Yes..... I have ALL my receipts.... and the shop in CA is putting in ALL new parts. Because they have to. Everything inside is toast. Well, shredded and scarred... I only had their advice/recommendation to go on. I should have done more homework and asked more questions. Hind sight is 20/20 and all that.


Some sort of lost...
Wow, every shop I've had re-gear one of my rigs told me that they will not re-gear unless all of the bearings are replaced. Just for that reason. Why on earth would you re-use the pinion bearing when you've already got it all apart? When you're spending a couple grand on gears and lockers it is silly to leave out a pinion bearing to save a buck. Sorry about your luck, hopefully they'll help with reimbursement.


no retreat, no surrender
In hind sight.... I am surprised they didn't use new bearings. I pick it up today.... and will see how many miles were on the odo at time of install....

I mailed the hard copy letter to Dennis at TeraFlex Plus yesterday.


New member
In hind sight.... I am surprised they didn't use new bearings. I pick it up today.... and will see how many miles were on the odo at time of install....

I mailed the hard copy letter to Dennis at TeraFlex Plus yesterday.

FYI Dennis is out of the country for 3 weeks. We will watch for your letter and get it to Ben Falkner who is over the shop and not Dennis.


no retreat, no surrender
Thank you for your response, and no, I did not know Dennis is gone. I mailed it yesterday (to the Murray TF Plus) addressed to Dennis.

As things will go, it is not finished today. I won't be able to pick it up now until Monday or Tuesday.

Again, thank you for your help in this matter.


no retreat, no surrender
OK.... update. These guys are seriously *on it*. I was contacted today, and I'm impressed.

Just wish I had my jeep back.... had to cancel a shoot in Mexico - C'est la vi.

Thanks all.


Expedition Leader
Carolyn, sorry to read of your misfortune, even more surprised to learn of new and used parts being installed together as such. I haven't followed the Jeep section much lately and am unsure if you had posted a thread looking for recommendations on the gear install, but in the future you should give Eric at Six States or Randy at Advanced 4wd a call and ask for a work estimate. I have had both shops set up gears for me and both were top notch. Randy will even give you a tour of the shop and let you pick his brain until you are 100% comfortable with having them do the work, I personally know several of his customers who have driven their vehicles literally around the world.

Tereflex is pretty good about standing behind their work, so you should be taken care of, just be aware of other options around town in the future.


no retreat, no surrender
OK..... here's the latest. I FINALLY got my jeep back last Tuesday. SOOOOOOO glad to have it back. 5 days parked (couldn't drive it) and then 6 days in the shop. It needed a complete rebuild of the rear-end, including new differential. The final diagnosis = Pinion bearings installed to tight on the re-gear. Back on the road, and back to work :sombrero:
So - I sent TeraFlex a copy of the invoice last Tuesday (June 5th), and am waiting to hear from them. Will keep you posted :ylsmoke:


tera use to have a string of bad luck with their stuff as far as diff went, but I had read on forums of people now having good results with their stuff. I hope this is not becoming a trend again, I doubt it is; Teraflex seems to be on the ball these days. I hope you get everything reimbursed and good luck with everything.
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no retreat, no surrender
Hi irish1371. Thanks. It was not their parts that failed though. It was pretty much everything in the rear end... when the pinion gear bearings failed - due to being over-tightened upon install.... during a re-gear/ARB air locker install. At least that is according to 3 mechanics, including the one that did the repair out here in CA. I really expect to hear from them soon.... it's been a week since I mailed the invoice. I'll follow up a.s.a.p. Everyone says how great their customer service is, so I really don't foresee a problem.
Thanks again!


no retreat, no surrender
All's well that ens well..... or so the saying goes.

The *powers that be* at Terra Flex Plus are going to make this right. I've got to say, I'm impressed with their customer service. Any business in today's world - that stands behind their work - is to be highly commended. I had hoped this would be the outcome, however since we are miles apart geographically at this point in time, it was worrisome to me.
That said - I'm now waiting for the check - and major Kudos to Tera Flex Plus (Murray, Utah).

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