Hackberry Creek Road
The dirt road I did today was Hackberry Creek Road. Amazing road. So many water crossings. I started counting them and by the time I got to number 5, I lost count.
Surprisingly, this is a very busy road as I bypassed about 10 vehicles on this road. And I realized halfway on this 14 miles road, there are many houses and so many people were outside on the patio or out relaxing on their porch.
Hackberry Creek Road is 14 miles long and I would guess it has about 10 water crossings and like 4 of them are very deep. This is with no rainfall. So, imagine if it rains. It could easily be impassable.
It has not rained yet in the Hill Country, but I can guarantee you that if it rains, and you have a 4X4, you are in for a treat of some real fun on this road. But be careful! There is one water crossing that is large and you cannot find the road from one end to the other. They have put markings to guide you but if it rains and the water level rises, those markings will quickly disappear and be under water. If you take the wrong line, you will flip your suv! Guaranteed.
Here are some of my pics on the Hackberry Creek Road.
About 3 water crossings from this entrance to the Creek Rd is the largest water crossing on this road. I passed it out and out the corner of my eye, I saw something white floating on the river I pulled over and went to investigate and I saw 2 swans swimming up and down the river. It was a sight to marvel. I don't know if they are wild or domesticated. I took pictures and videos of them and was on my way.
This is the largest water crossing on Hackberry Creek Road with the poles showing you the line to take to cross the river. If it rains, those poles will be submerged. If you do not pick the right line, there are many big drop offs. You will flip your suv. Be careful on this crossing.
Camp Eagle Adventure Camp on Hackberry Creek Road