This old Canoe


So back in the 50s sometime my grandfather hand built this old canoe.

He was a carpenter who pretty much built most of what he owned...His house, his camper and obviously, this old canoe.

For the last 30-40 years it has been stored in the rafters of my fathers garage. I have no idea what shape it is in other than to say it had a small leak and at one time it was dropped and it smashed a board on the side by the seat.

I really want to get my dad and my son and restore this old boat but I am at a loss. Has anyone ever tackled old airplane canvas? Can you repair it? Would it be better to strip it completely and start over?

Here are a few more photos. All of these shots were taken from slides in the late 50s through mid 60s.


I don't know why I don't have any of it in the water.

Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
Man, your old family photo albums are totally awesome. Not to get too far off subject or anything, but its been my dream for a while now to get an old Willy's wagon and restore it, then build a cedar strip canoe and find an old antique tear drop camper to restore. Having that combination would be a real winner at car shows, and it would be enough of a gem that taking it offroad I would probably always be worried about scratching it or something. Really, restoring any old Willy's is something I want to do.

Now back on to subject! Here is a good site I found a while back where the guys restore old wood canvas boats and build new ones based on old time designs. Canoe Paddle Page/Wood-canvas canoes.html Their site isn't real informational but they might be able to guide you along on the project.


I don't really know the condition other than it has been stored dry for years. It, as far as I know has never been left out of the garage.

I talked to my dad a little while ago and he didn't even think the leak was that bad. This weekend I hope to get it down out of the rafters and take a closer look. I'll post pics up of what I see and maybe you guys who know more than I can judge.


Expedition Leader
Cool pics

That is a neat canoe and even neater collection of trucks.

I think you should start a new thread of just scanned slides and add locations if you know them....

on topic, I am of no help on repairing a canoe....


1. Yes, the canoe can be restored just about as easily as basinranger noted. I used to spend a lot of time on the Miramichi River in New Brunswick. Seemed like a lot of the camps on the river had well-loved, and well-restored, vintage canoes out by the water in the summertime.

2. By all means, post any more vintage 4WD images you can find! Those are a treat. Are those sheriff's badges on the doors?

There are a least a few of us now-graying types here on ExPo whose first memories of 4WD are in vehicles similar to those. I, for one, love the look back.



Okay, sorry for being off topic, but was your grandfather a ranger of sorts? And those Willys are awesome, makes me sad I sold my 48 Willys pickup.
As far as the canoe, as long as there isn't any dry rot it can be restored. With modern materials it's fairly easy and the repairs will be very strong.
That being said I personally wouldn't touch it. It looks to be a great piece of art that your grandfather made and would be the coolest conversation piece anyone could own. But then again, paddling it down river could be even cooler. Good luck and please keep us posted


First, those are my dads old trucks, not my grandfathers.

Way back in the day before there was Search and Rescue units the Sheriff departments around the country ran what was called the Sheriff "Jeep Posse"

It was a precursor to the S&R units of today only they were more socially organized. They used to hold state and National conventions where they would have pistol shoots and usually a jeep rally.

Here are some shots from one of the rallies.





I'll get some photos of the damage area on the canoe this weekend. Sorry for Hijacking the Hijack of my own thread. :D


Great photos and what a family treasure. Do not let it get away from you.

I have never played with older wooden hull/frame/canvas canoes...but have done some work on the canoes I have and for me the feel and look of wood has always resulted in having wooden gunnells (upper hull perimeter trim for the non boaters) and wood seats with cane inserts and the work that goes along with them.

Our special "family" canoe is a L.L.Bean labeled/Old Town Canoe made Penobscot 16' made in back then newfangled Royalex with wood gunnels & seats. Still solid and a beauty at over 25 years old...I hope to pass this fine craft down to my son or daughter.

Your canoe is very likely worth restoring. Take your time and make it a second burner mindset project for the long term and enjoy it.

There are several "wood canoe" focused clubs and is:

Good luck!

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