To make up for loosing my Mojo... M101cdn military trailer


After a few years of looking for a good base and many failed attempts to find one that wasn't a rust basket selling for the price of my 1st born I finally found what I was looking for, and way more!

It's the well known 1/4 ton M101 Canadian military trailer, nothing special about it (yet) but it came fully restored along with a bunch of extras. I'm sure glad I never went for the lesser ones in the previous years! I'm naming it "Vasek" as it's my "make me feel better" gift for going under the knife today...:victory:

Mr. D




Good looking trailer, I think i would have called it Tomy instead as it is easier to say than Vasek. Do yourself a favor and stay off your feet literally for the next 24 -48 and your recovery time will be greatly reduced with a lot less pain.


Nice...that thing looks brand new. is it a rebuilt one by the military?

It's an ex-military one fully restored by the civilians ;-)

And yes, frozen peas & Tylenol are doing a fine job! Turned out to be a lot easier than I thought but I act like it was awful when around my wife, gotta justify that trailer!

Mr. D


wander looking to get lost
Ahhh, i get it now. Ok. My wife hated me when i got mine. She wanted me to feel more pain. She had three kids each in a different way so she is no stranger to the pain that husbands can induce! Frozen peas did work, but a Six Pack worked even better. Get it ice cold. Place it between your legs then drink one at a time. By the time the six pack is gone, you wont feel anything. I was up and walking the next day. The most pain i felt was that dull aching sensation a man gets when he is kicked in the gonads. Went away after a few days.

Oh, and nice trailer. nice and clean. Great find


I think I need a bigger truck!
Argh...I have one of "those" scheduled for a few weeks. Cant wait! oh wait...

Hey Abitibi, I just realized where I have seen you and that trailer before, over on Overland Canada. lol Small world. Great score, only $600 more than I paid for mine, and mine needs a full repaint.


wow that looks WAY nicer than the pics in the add. glad someone that appreciates what it is picked it up!


Awesome trailer. Wish they had more of those in the states. What a beauty. I would name it something else though, you want it to remind you of something fun I would think. :ylsmoke:


wander looking to get lost
A VASEC is fun!!!!. Well not initially, but after its done, its all practice without any fear of acquiring an 18 year car payment:av-7:


Argh...I have one of "those" scheduled for a few weeks. Cant wait! oh wait...

Hey Abitibi, I just realized where I have seen you and that trailer before, over on Overland Canada. lol Small world. Great score, only $600 more than I paid for mine, and mine needs a full repaint.

I'm still surprised it was advertised for 3wks and no one bothered before me. For the price it even came with the Hi-Lift Extreme and mount, a nice full size axe and mount on the other side and a adjustable pintle hitch adaptor... Tires were brand new as well, hand brake works nice and tight, tailgate already done... List goes on. I'd get another vasectomies for a trailer like this!

And for those about to go under the knife, if you have a specialized doctor it's a walk in the park. Seriously! Don't think I would have used my family doctor though...

Mr. D


A VASEC is fun!!!!. Well not initially, but after its done, its all practice without any fear of acquiring an 18 year car payment:av-7:

I was tempted not to tell my wife I was getting it done then talk her into trying for one more baby... ;-)
Would have made for some good time!

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