Rather than wonder about what you are putting on there, you can buy Synthetic line (Amsteel Blue Dyneema SK-75) by the foot from arborist and marine suppliers. They carry it cheaper that way (Around $2 a foot for 3/8", maybe even cheaper if you find the right places) You can also buy Cordura sleeve by the foot and install as much or as little of that as you like. This is how I ultimately went after shopping extensively for line.
An added plus is you need to know how, or if you know how, practice, making a splice to install your thimble (same principle if adding a thimble or splicing), why not practice by assembling your line on the winch, instead of figuring it out or re-learning from scratch in a recovery situation after something snaps. For this reason, and cost, I dislike pre-assembled line kits.
I also don't use a tab to attach the line to the drum. Tension on the wraps is all that holds mine on. This keeps the drum smooth, no tab to cut on the line after the next layer gets over it under tension. If you let too much line out, it will just fall off, not fool you into thinking it's on there, then pulling the line out of that tab creating a new problem you weren't prepared to deal with. (In my case I re-spool using only a little tape, so if it falls off I can have it back on there in a few minutes.)