Triton Oil Pressure


I have a 5.4 triton, but this probably goes for 4.6s and V10s as well. My pressure drops after driving for a while. When I first picked it up, a "while" was an hour into the drive, however driving it around yesterday after finally getting it on the road its now more like 20 minutes. The needle goes from about 3/4 up the dial to a little over a 1/4 up (still in the bracketed "range" for oil pressure).

My plan is to hook up a mechanical gauge this week, if that agrees with my current gauge then I will probably start with a fresh oil change (oil in there is clean and full) and oil filter change (on my list of to-dos anyways). What weight oil do these engines like?

If that doesn't improve pressure I am not sure what the next step should be, theres a few options. Has anyone else had issues with one of these engines? Do they just run low?


Here's a post I ran across that may be helpfull.


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Intereting. Thank you for posting that. I have been busy with work, but I put in a mechanical gauge last night though I haven't had a chance to drive it much yet. It was reading 75-80 psi at idle on startup and after a few miles down the road and back to get the engine to just start warming up it was around 50 psi at idle.

I need a better fitting, as the one I had in there started weeping a little oil, but this weekend I will have time to put a t fitting in to allow both mechanical and stock gauge to function, along with changing the oil, and then I will drive it around to see what the real readings are at hot idle.

It seems that even 20psi is still somewhat standard on these engines, that seemed low to me, so maybe thats just how it is and I don't have a problem. If its below 20 then I will investigate further.

Either way, I think I now plan on putting an aftermarket oil pressure, engine temp and maybe tranny temp gauge in the van. A tachometer would be nice too, but I might run out of room. I hate the stupid H/L gauges that really don't tell you anything.


I'd use a Motorcraft filter and it needs 5W20. Stay away from additives and heavier oil, except if it is an early one it might call for 5W30. I'd use Motorcraft oil as well.


1sweetvan is exactly correct. The manual for my 2007 recommends Motorcraft Synthetic blend 5W20 for all Triton engines. Available at Walmart, as are the Motorcraft oil filters (FL820s if my memory serves me correctly).

And if you're getting anything above 20 psi oil pressure at idle then you have nothing to worry about.


Thanks for the help guys, I put a new motorcraft filter in and some syn blend 5W20 and its running great. It seems that it might be a bad sending unit, I watched the factory gauge drop from H to L when the engine got hot and there was no change in the mechanical gauge. Hot idle its sitting right around 30psi.

I found this:

and I think I am going to pick one up and mount a real oil pressure gauge, engine temp and tranny temp in it...


Actually, Ford had a TSB stating that only Motorcraft filters be used and it specifically advises against using Fram. It's all over the Ford Forums. But really, why use brand X when Motorcraft is the same price or less?

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