Two Days of Northern Nevada and California Exploration


First real "trip" of the year, and it sure felt good to get out there! Work has been really busy, and so a few days off was a welcomed change. I did some scouting on Google Earth and had a rough idea of where I wanted to head. According to the topo maps and the satellite images, there were some nice aspen groves at around 6800' elevation, which are a welcomed change from the miles of rolling sage brush that covers the vast majority of Northern Nevada. Put just under 400 miles on the odometer, with under 200 of them on pavement. This trip gave me a great start to get the wheels turning for a Trans-Nevada trip via dirt roads that I'd like to do later this year.

A look across the nothingness that is the Black Rock Desert.

Off the pavement for a while, and headed towards these mountains.

Saw tons of antelope!

Including this nice buck.

Getting some elevation now...

Started getting a little darker, and rather than dealing with the mud and snow in the dark, I decided I'd occupy this old deer camp for the night.

The next day I hit the road and started exploring some more. Not even two minutes out of camp I came across a fallen tree blocking the road. A little hatchet action and a tow strap made quick work of the obstruction. Here's a nice view looking back up towards some aspens.

Large herd of bedded deer I spooked.


On the move. Hopped onto the highway for about 10 miles and headed south till I hit Smoke Creek. This is the road around the Smoke Creek Desert.


Smoke Creek itself. Followed this canyon all the way to the California border.

Cave along the road.

Tons of free range sheep along the creek. Most of them with a lamb or two in tow.

Smoke Creek Ranch

The road into Susanville, about as straight as they come.

After about 30 miles on the pavement I headed west out of Milford. This is looking down over Honey Lake.

Beautiful forest and meadows along Last Chance Creek.


Back on the road heading home.

My route.


I can't quite tell from the posted map/route, but it looks like you were up in/near the ghost 'town'/site of Leadville when you were in the Granite range. If not in/at the site, pretty close, as there are aspen stands up there and I always see plenty of deer in that area (good shade and forage for them), including some really, really healthy bucks.

Looks like an awesome trip! I can hardly wait to bail from CA and head up that way for a little R&R. :)


You're pretty close! Leadville is about 10 miles north of where I was. Next time up that way I'm gonna pass through there, and then head east to Soldier Meadows and High Rock Canyon. I saw over 100 antelope, and 30 deer over the two days, most right around this area. Didn't see any bucks, but I'm sure they're there. Just last week I put in for my deer tag and this was my third choice for hunt unit!


Excellent! Leadville is pretty neat (hopefully what's left hasn't been heavily vandalized). Good luck on your tag draw. I'm not too hopeful for the California X draw (again), but who knows.

What an amazing way to spend a couple of days up there, too. Wish the kid was older, I'd load her up and take her with me and leave the wife behind!

You're pretty close! Leadville is about 10 miles north of where I was. Next time up that way I'm gonna pass through there, and then head east to Soldier Meadows and High Rock Canyon. I saw over 100 antelope, and 30 deer over the two days, most right around this area. Didn't see any bucks, but I'm sure they're there. Just last week I put in for my deer tag and this was my third choice for hunt unit!


Photographer in the Wild
amazing trip RenoRacing. We camped on Smoke Creek Rd. last year in late Sept. Only found 2 scorpions lol. We seen lots of antelope as well. That one buck you posted is NICE!!!. you did miss out on a sweet road though. Shinn Ranch rd ( 40°35'2.06"N 120°15'1.08"W ) possibly one of the nicest (scenic wise) roads in the area. it also comes out back on 395 via rye patch rd. googles map is slightly off but this is well worth the drive. Also across from Shinn Ranch rd is Karlo rd. definitly worth a peak and if you have an ATV worth a days exploration. do not travel the rail road bed with a full size rig. gramps picked up a railroad spike on his tundra and that was not fun.

I am interested in that cave. we had turned around 3 miles past the nevada line due to a locked gate keeping us from making it to the Shinn Ranch where we had planed to camp.

bobcat charlie


GREAT tour! I have spent some time around Pyramid Lake and love it every time! Anyone who gets near Reno should detour to Pyramid. I am going to explore at least part of your route...especially the cave!

Thank you for the great package!

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