Under-body spare protection?


Running from Monday..
Hey guys,

Just got a 5th Alloy 17" H2 rim so I can complete my new set of 5 285/75 r17 Toyo's. I plan to put the spare under the truck in the stock location, but the steel wheel I have under there is basically destroyed from gravel and rocks. What can I do to protect the nice Alloy wheel from the under-truck sand blaster?

I plan to keep a 5-tire rotation, so want all the wheels to match.

Can I put it up there upside down? Any reason that wouldn't work?



Put several coats of clear PlastiDip on it? That should hold up to the grit fairly well I'd imagine to help protect the OEM finish. You could do the same to the other 4 so that they too are protected.


Expedition Leader
I was doodling an idea the other day, when I was messing with relocating my trailer coupling and deleting my low-hanging trailer hitch. The idea was to simply use an aluminum plate or plywood round, sized to the sidewall of the tire, with some cut-outs to facilitate strapping it to the wheel, such that it covers the bottom aspect of the tire.

You can reverse your tire position and put it good side up, if you're spare mount / carrier / ratchet-winch will accomodate that.

All depends what sort of mechanism holds your spare in place. One way or another it ought to possible to add a 'shield' without any noticeable penalty.


Running from Monday..
Thanks for the feedback guys.

What about one of those canvas tire covers guys use on Jeeps? Would it hold up?


Expedition Leader
If your primary concern is cosmetic cleanliness, sure.

'under body protection' makes me think of dragging and puncture hazards, tree branches, jagged rocks. Thus the suggestion for a hard shield. Things staying clean doesn't even register.


No. Not to mention it would probably fly off eventually. If your worried about preserving the finish on the wheel, even a 1/4" piece of wood would do the trick.


have a way to mount it in the bed? or i think your suggestion of mounting it upside down would probably work fine it would still need a good washing when you put it on but it wont be sand blasted all to hell... i dont think.


Autism Family Travellers!
My F150 spare is mounted like this. I think instead of keeping it there, I am going to get a mount for the bed of the truck. close to the front of the pan, and bolt it up there. won't take up a ton of space, but more protected and easy to get at. Here those cable lifts rust and fail...leaving you with a useless spare.


What about getting a sheet of HDPE, cutting it to the diameter of the wheel (so it fits up against the bead of the tire), drill some strategically placed holes, and secure it to the face of the wheel? That should be enough to stop rock damage and it would not corrode like metal would.

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