US Forest Service proposes closing the entire Tellico trail system

4WD School

Southern FWDA met with the USFS today and heard a presentation on what will be in their Environmental Assessment. While they have 6 alternatives that they are considering, their preferred alternative is to CLOSE TELLICO. While we know that this is completely unacceptable and will cause immediate and intense emotional reaction, we are asking that everyone maintain a level head and concentrate on what our task is now.

STEP 1: The FS Supervisor issued a TEMPORARY CLOSURE ORDER that will keep Tellico closed until they decide what the fate of the area will be. This means that TELLICO WILL NOT REOPEN ON APRIL 1ST! Please read the order here: and provide comments to the temporary closure. Be sure to talk about all the plans you have to use the area and all the events that are already scheduled and that you have paid to attend. WE MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!

STEP 2: We must, at all costs, provide as many SUBSTANTIVE comments about the EA as humanly possible. And we are ready. SFWDA requests that you download the study that we commissioned (Recommended Trail System Repair and Maintenance Plan Upper Tellico OHV System) and that you download the FS' EA which is posted here (Upper Tellico OHV Area ) and that you compare the two side by side and start making comments. Our study will give you the data that you need to make comments about the surveys that have been done, the lack of maintenance they FS has completed, the science, the engineering, the economics, EVERYTHING.

We will work to have a letter generator up, but honestly, we need for you to take pencil to paper and think this through. Copy this announcement and send it to your friends, family, and everyone you know.

STEP 3: The other thing we need and you know what is coming; is money. In this tough economic time, it's hard to find a few dollars to support a cause, but if you enjoy the Tellico area, or even the dying sport of OHV and 4X4 recreation, please consider a donation to Rescue Tellico so that we may continue to fight for Tellico. Rescue Tellico Fund

STEP 4: In an effort to show that we will not accept these actions, Crawford's Campground is committing to continue on with the plans for Spring Fling on April 4th. Please consider attending and showing your support and helping to raise money for Rescue Tellico.

So you know, SFWDA is working very closely with United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA) and BlueRibbon Coalition to review these documents. BE ASSURED that the lawyers will be reviewing all of these documents in detail and that we are all ready to take whatever action is warranted to further the fight to KEEP TELLICO OPEN!

Thank you for your help!!!

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Expedition Leader
Southern FWDA met with the USFS today and heard a presentation on what will be in their Environmental Assessment. While they have 6 alternatives that they are considering, their preferred alternative is to CLOSE TELLICO. While we know that this is completely unacceptable and will cause immediate and intense emotional reaction, we are asking that everyone maintain a level head and concentrate on what our task is now.

STEP 1: The FS Supervisor issued a TEMPORARY CLOSURE ORDER that will keep Tellico closed until they decide what the fate of the area will be. This means that TELLICO WILL NOT REOPEN ON APRIL 1ST! Please read the order here: and provide comments to the temporary closure. Be sure to talk about all the plans you have to use the area and all the events that are already scheduled and that you have paid to attend. WE MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!

STEP 2: We must, at all costs, provide as many SUBSTANTIVE comments about the EA as humanly possible. And we are ready. SFWDA requests that you download the study that we commissioned (Recommended Trail System Repair and Maintenance Plan Upper Tellico OHV System) and that you download the FS’ EA which is posted here (Upper Tellico OHV Area ) and that you compare the two side by side and start making comments. Our study will give you the data that you need to make comments about the surveys that have been done, the lack of maintenance they FS has completed, the science, the engineering, the economics, EVERYTHING.

We will work to have a letter generator up, but honestly, we need for you to take pencil to paper and think this through. Copy this announcement and send it to your friends, family, and everyone you know.

STEP 3: The other thing we need and you know what is coming; is money. In this tough economic time, it’s hard to find a few dollars to support a cause, but if you enjoy the Tellico area, or even the dying sport of OHV and 4X4 recreation, please consider a donation to Rescue Tellico so that we may continue to fight for Tellico. Rescue Tellico Fund

STEP 4: In an effort to show that we will not accept these actions, Crawford’s Campground is committing to continue on with the plans for Spring Fling on April 4th. Please consider attending and showing your support and helping to raise money for Rescue Tellico.

So you know, SFWDA is working very closely with United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA) and BlueRibbon Coalition to review these documents. BE ASSURED that the lawyers will be reviewing all of these documents in detail and that we are all ready to take whatever action is warranted to further the fight to KEEP TELLICO OPEN!

Thank you for your help!!!


SOB I was heading there on 4-1 now I'm upset. What can I do? Should I get a hold of Crawfords? Can't remeber his name but he and his family are very cool.



Expedition Leader
We certainly need to get this fixed and sway their minds. To have this trail system closed would be a very sad loss.


4WD School

The Southern 4WD Association was founded over 20 years ago to act as volunteer partners with the Forest Service.

This partnership allowed the Forest Service to apply for RTP grant funds. These funds have been used to supplement the Forest Service's federal budget.

In addition, the Forest Service has been collecting daily use fees.

The Forest Service has directed and supervised our volunteer maintenance efforts and has contracted some of the work out.

The Forest Service is responsible for managing the trails in a sustainable way.

The Southern Environmental Law Center, Trout Unlimited, and WildSouth feels that the Forest Service has failed and has threatened to sue the Forest Service (but has not actually done so).

The Forest Service's own internal OHV specialists feel that the trails need some maintenance in certain areas, but that the work is feasible.

The Southern 4WD Association commissioned an independent engineering study that came to similar conclusions.

Despite these scientific reports, the preferred Alternative is total closure of the OHV trails.

And, the Forest Service wants to turn certain segments of the trails into gravel roads for hunting and fishing access.

The trails have been closed all winter and will not be re-opened. We will not be allowed to perform any further maintenance.
WOW 216 there a synopsis somewhere, perhaps cliff notes? By the time I'm done reading that the closure will be set. I guess I'd better get started :coffee:
I'll take it upon myself to offer a synopsis for those who would otherwise choose not to read the document otherwise. Warning this will be Loooong.

In summary there appears to be a substantial amount of evidence that the OHV traffic in the Tellico area is causing adverse negative stream/river/tributary sediment erosion into the Upper Tellico River watershed area. There is also a substantial amount of evidence showing that this sediment erosion is negatively impacting the wild Trout polulations (specifically native Brook Trout).

There are six "alternatives" being considered. The alternatives basically state "what could be done" to prevent further sidement erosion.

Here is a summarized list of alernatives:

Alternative A-
No change​

Alternative B- (This is the proposed action according to the documentation linked above)
Alternative B reduces the trail system from 39.3 miles to 24 miles. It:
• Reduces the number of challenge areas;
• Has a winter closure and storm-event closure;
• Restricts camping adjacent to the trail system;
• Requires 4WD vehicles to lock in 4WD.
• A Forest Plan amendment would be issued to modify the OHV density standard and
the OHV trail difficulty level standard.
• Recommends an increase in user fees (amount unspecified).​

Alternative C-
Alternative C eliminates the OHV System. This alternative was developed to achieve a
very low level of risk of sedimentation from the trail system and low long-term
Upper Tellico OHV System Predecisional EA February 11, 2009
maintenance costs. Trails would be either converted for other use or closed and
rehabilitated. The area remains completely open for foot travel. In this alternative:
• Trail 1 would be paved and kept open as a through route for highway legal vehicles;
• Most of Trail 2, all of Trail 6, and parts of Trails 4, 5, and 7 become forest roads for
various uses;
• Portions of Trails 4, 5, and 6 would be open seasonally for public access
• Requires a Forest Plan amendment to de-list Tellico as one of the OHV trail systems.​

Alternative D-
Alternative D reduces the trail system from 39.3 miles to 17.6 miles. This alternative was
developed to meet the current OHV standards in the Forest Plan while still retaining an
OHV system. It modifies Alternative B by:
• Closing Trails 10A and 11;
• Eliminating all the challenge areas;
• Requiring the trail be closed until repairs are completed;
• Not requiring a Forest Plan amendment.​

Alternative E-
Alternative E reduces the trail system from 39.3 miles to 30.2 miles. It was developed to
better meet the demand for OHV opportunities than does the Proposed Action, while still
reducing sediment from the trail system. It modifies Alternative B by:
• Rerouting Trail 9 while retaining access to the challenge area (Slickrock);
• Constructing an additional challenge area on Trail 11;
• Reconstructing Trail 10 (including a partial reroute) for full-sized OHV use;
• Adding a new parking lot at the intersection of Trails 4 and 11 and reconstructing a
piece of Trail 4 from its intersection with Trail 1 to this new parking lot (to provide
OHV and ATV-UTV access from the southern end of the trail system);
• Eliminating the storm-event closure;
• Eliminating new camping restrictions;
• Eliminating 4WD lock-in.​

Alternative F-
In Alternative F the miles of trail change from 39.5 to 37.5, but it actually provides new
trail opportunities for all types of OHVs. It was developed to provide a trail system with
opportunities similar to what they are today, but with repairs, relocations, and with new
or replacement construction that would alleviate many of the current sedimentation
concerns. It is similar to Alternative E, except with the addition of a new ATV trail at the
southern end of the system. It modifies Alternative B by:
• Constructing 7.3 miles of new ATV-UTV trail (Trail 13);
• Rerouting Trail 9 while retaining access to the challenge area (Slickrock);
• Adding an additional challenge area on Trail 11;
• Reconstructing Trail 10 (including a partial reroute) for full-sized OHV use;
• Adding a new parking lot at the intersection of Trails 4 and 11 and reconstructing a
piece of Trail 4 from its intersection with Trail 1 to this new parking lot (to provide
OHV and ATV-UTV access from the southern end of the trail system);
• Eliminating the storm-event closure;
• Eliminating additional camping restrictions;
• Eliminating 4WD lock-in.​

Additional Actions:
The following actions would be included as appropriate as part of whatever alternative is selected:

1. To reduce impacts to Heritage Resources, complete surveys of all trails with high and moderate probability of sites to determine the specific locations of significant or potentially significant sites. Implement measures to eliminate damage at significant or potentially significant sites that appear to be impacted or are likely to be impacted by OHV use. This may include covering or hardening sites with protective fabric, gravel and soil, erecting physical barriers, or other appropriate measures. Include inspection of these sites in the OHV System monitoring plan. Avoid adverse impacts to all significant
sites from trail decommissioning.

2. All standards and guides for the protection of the Indiana bat, as listed in Amendment 10 of the LRMP, would be followed. No suitable snags would be cut between April 15 and October 15.

There are other considerations being made regarding the alternatives and the proposal as a whole. Here is a summary of those considerations:

Eight significant issues related to the proposed action were identified:

  • 1. Concern that state water quality standards must be met in managing the OHV System.
  • 2. Concern that the proposed action still has OHV trails near streams and on sensitive
    soils and that these should be removed from the system to better protect the Tellico
    River and its tributaries from sediment.
  • 3. Concern that the OHV System should be closed until all the needed repairs are
    finished, in order to prevent additional accelerated erosion of the trails into the Tellico
    River and its tributaries and protect trout populations.
  • 4. Concern that the proposed OHV System may not meet Forest Plan standards in regard
    to OHV trail density and challenge level.
  • 5. Concern that the proposed action reduces the amount of OHV opportunity and access
    to public lands for a variety of recreational uses, thereby reducing the ability of the
    public, especially families and people with less mobility, to enjoy the national forests.
  • 6. Concern that the proposed OHV System eliminates most of the very high challenge
    recreation opportunity that draws people to Upper Tellico.
  • 7. Concern that the proposed upgrading of Trail 1 would eliminate access for nonhighway-
    legal vehicles from the southern end of the system.
  • 8. Concern that the proposed storm-event closures and new camping restrictions would
    be burdensome on OHV trip planning, family experiences, and special event

Other noteworthy facts regarding the Tellico OHV area:

• Turbidity measurements from the Tellico River have been recorded up to 370 NTU at the state line during storm events.
(The state of North Carolina's standard for turbidity is…10 NTU in streams, lakes, or reservoirs designated as trout waters)

Oil Spills
• Toxicity tests near three high challenge areas show elevated levels of petroleum
products. Research has shown that these toxic substances can inhibit reproduction
and recruitment of fish populations.

Level of challenge is being exceeded.
• The Forest Plan direction for all OHV trails on the National Forests in North
Carolina calls for providing “easy to moderate levels of challenge.”
• Several trails on the Tellico OHV System provide a high degree of challenge and
do not meet the Forest Plan direction.

Trail density is being exceeded.
• The Forest Plan direction calls for providing approximately two miles per square
mile of OHV trails.
• The current system is currently over four miles per square mile.

I know this was long and I'm sure I left something important out (like the financial stuff that was cited) but remember this is merely a summary of the information gathered in the document. Much of the information above was quoted directly from the document, other items are "clipped", but I tried to maintain the context of the orginal document as much as possible.

Next step; compose a letter....:coffee:
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Expedition Leader
I'm for A,B,E,F where do I send the check? Sheesh hope something is decided soon as I'll be up there just b4 April1. I know a few local businesses will be hit hard with the absolute abolishment of the trail system.

I agree Aaron, there are a lot of decent proposals there. Alternative B actually seems decent, but Alternative E would be preferred to most I would think. Alternative C is just too extreme and I think the FS recognizes that when reading all of the items they are taking into consideration.

Honestly, I've never been to Tellico and probably never will be. However, if I change my mind, it would be nice if it was still there. Plus, I don't want to see this kind of action creeping into the Rockies.

Dave? I cannot send a check, but who can I write a letter to?? There's nothing in the OP or the Enviromental Assesment about who to contact (or did I miss it?)


Expedition Leader
I agree Aaron, there are a lot of decent proposals there. Alternative B actually seems decent, but Alternative E would be preferred to most I would think. Alternative C is just too extreme and I think the FS recognizes that when reading all of the items they are taking into consideration.

Honestly, I've never been to Tellico and probably never will be. However, if I change my mind, it would be nice if it was still there. Plus, I don't want to see this kind of action creeping into the Rockies.

Dave? I cannot send a check, but who can I write a letter to?? There's nothing in the OP or the Enviromental Assesment about who to contact (or did I miss it?)

If you were to google "save tellico" it might take you some time but you'll find what to write and to whom and where to send money to fuel the OHV legal battle heck you can buy a t-shirt to from what I've read.


4WD School

Here is the link to the independent environmental survey commissioned by the Southern 4WD Association:

Public Comment letters can be sent here:
National Forests in North Carolina Attn: Candace Wyman
160 A Zillicoa Street
Asheville, NC 28801

Rescue Tellico donations can be made here:

T shirts and other swag can be purchased here:

All help is greatly appreciated. :smiley_drive:
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SE Expedition Society
more cliff notes here

this was taken from
They have even made it easy to submit your letter to them and get a 15% discount of Jeep parts.

Quick history:
In 2005 the environmental group “Trouts Unlimted,” threatened to sue the United States Forest Service over excessive sediment levels in the waterways located in and around the Tellico OHV area. Because of this, the USFS began to investigate the causes of this claim. This lawsuit is what brought on the temporary closing of Lower 2, Slickrock, Peckerwood Connection, and the 2007/2008 winter OHV area closure.

The Southern Four Wheel Drive Association (SFWDA) filed a counter suit against the USFS for a formal assessment of the OHV area. This suit was dropped when the USFS agreed to formally assess the area.

While the Tellico OHV Environmental Assessment (EA) released in Feb 2009 is a lengthy read, it’s important to understand all of the issues facing the likely changes in the Tellico OHV system. It can be found in its entirety here:

The SFWDA did an independent study; this was contracted to Caliber Engineering Consultants. This report brings up many contradictory facts and figures when compared to the Forest Service report. The full SFWDA report can be found:

We realize that these two reports are very lengthy reads, and while we would love for you to read them both, we have summarized the 6 Alternatives for the Tellico OHV system as given by the USFS. It is very important that you understand these alternative before you voice your concerns. Our summary can be found here:

There are many other questions brought up by reading both the USFS report and SFWDA report in their entirety; here are few of those points summarized.

TellicoRiver water quality - In the Forest Service’s Supervisor’s statement release, he states that the Agency is in violation of the North Carolina state water quality standards; however the SITA states that the Streams are healthy and have excellent water quality per North Carolina Standards and are capable of sustaining viable, reproducing native trout populations. Which results are correct? Do there need to be more tests? Can the FS provide a notice of violation from the State of North Carolina?

Trail repair/updates costs - According to the Alternative F on the EA, the cost for repairs and updates on trails at Upper Tellico OHV will cost more then $5,000,000. The Alternative F proposal also includes closure of all of Trail 2 and all of Trail 12. The SITA report covers repairing all the current trails, as well as repairing Trail 2 and Trail 12 but gives a total cost of repairs and updates at $2,200,000. Nearly 60% less then the EA estimated costs. Why are EA costs so high? Can the EA numbers be justified?

Estimated Net Expenses - On page 199 of the EA, it shows costs of operations for each Alternative. It shows the Net Expense of Alternative A as $236,178. While it shows the Net Expense of Alternative C as $221,056. So according to this report, it will actually only save $10,000 in annual expense from closing the park to keeping the park open. None of the numbers for keeping the park open seem to be out of line with current cost of operations or the estimated cost with the park being closed. In the SITA report, they state the Annual Operation and maintenance at approximately $100,000 per year. Why are the EA costs so high? Can the EA numbers be justified? Why would the park cost so much annually if it is closed?

Local Financial impact - The EA states that OHV users bring in nearly 4 times the amount of money as anglers; a yearly total of almost $4.5 million. After eliminating this amount of money from the local economy, does the Forest Services have any proposals to help local business or stimulate the area? Has the Forest Service done any studies on how many jobs will be lost, internally and externally? Can the local region sustain the loss of income?

Water Quality - The Forest Service EA says the water Quality does not meet NC standards but the SFWDA report does. How can this be?

Soil Displacement - Most of the trails were dug out the way they are to help with water runoff when the area was used for logging. In the EA report, they discuss how 74,000 tons of soil has been displaced, but it does not address how much of this was originally dug out by the FS in an attempt to “help” Tellico with erosion and water runoff.

Causes – Both reports state that lack of maintenance and funds have contributed to the condition of the OHV area today.

Closure – As it stands the trails will not be re-opened as scheduled on April 1st. At this point the trails are indefinitely. This would directly contradict the previous proposal for certain trails to be closed "for a period not to exceed one year" (trails include: Slickrock, Lower 2, and Peckerwood Connection) and would contradict their temporary winter closure which should expire on April 1. How will local businesses be able to prepare for the wheeling season? How can the park be closed without a formal decision?

Trout – Most of the current trout population in this area is stocked. Trout in current numbers are not natural to the area. Some people feel the newly stocked trout are causing the native trout to disappear, not silt contamination.

Letter writing guidelines

Letter must include specific suggestions for improving specific aspects of the EA. Even if you just pick one aspect, give examples of how it could be done better.
Recommend that the Forest Plan be amended to allow higher OHV trail density within the Upper Tellico OHV area specifically.
Further recommend that the Forest Plan be amended to accomodate diversity among OHV users, specifically eliminating the following language: "providing trails with easy to moderate levels of challenge", which excludes the high challenge areas that we all drive several hours to enjoy.
Provide alternatives for protecting the Brook Trout populations, including: fishing limitations, discontinuing the stocking of non-native species (rainbow & brown), follow-up analysis of populations after these measures are implemented.
Be courteous and professional.

Your Letter
E-mail us your letter to the USFS about this issue and we will snail mail it off individually for you. Please include your full name, mailing address, and any other contact info you wish. Send your letters to:

Upon Recept, we will respond with a coupon code good for 15% off anything on our website.

4WD School


That's good information and hopefully will help people write a letter.

Folks, you don't have to know every little detail about the whole darn thing. Just focus on a topic or two. With enough letters, everything will get covered.

If we lose Tellico, what will be next? You know these groups will declare success and be emboldened to try their tactics elsewhere.

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