utilizing 'open' power distribution and fuse panel spots options


Vehicle - 2006 Jeep TJ 4.0L manual trans

Has anyone actually attempted to utilize existing 'open' fuse panel and underhood distribution box slots? curious for 'low' amp draw items. maybe 3 that pull about 5 - 11 amps.

according to attached pics of distribution blocks there are plenty of 'open' slots.

Also, anyone know what the yellow 'off road' wire is for? Lockers maybe (If i had them from the factory.

Fuse panel behind glovebox

Power distribution box under hood


Well-known member
It is generally advisable to *not* run any aftermarket electrical accessories through the factory electrical system. You are better off adding a secondary fuse panel attached directly to the battery with any accessories run from there. Modern vehicle electrical systems are extremely complex and the results of adding aftermarket accessories can be very unpredictable.



Well-known member
Is there any reference to using the OPEN curcuits in the Manual ??

Rubicon Lockers are Relays on circuit 39 & 40.
There must be a reference in the manual circuit 24..


I ended up tapping into the power key on circuit and running that to a relay which would switch on power availability to a under-hood distribution box. Still not as clean as I would have liked but sorta rushed the job some due to weather. Haven't found anyone able or willing to make a custom switch panel yet to fit the switches but they're all hot and tested out to function good. Tapping into the circuit panel could have worked but would have taken more time than I wanted to mess with - and had to run wires through the firewall anyway.


My Hilux has several ’open slots’, but there is nothing on the underside a fuse would connect to.
Presumably, Its loadcenter plastic housing is used for several different vehicles. But the bussbars and wiring harness within is specific to my bare bones vehicle so it does not have ability to utilise those open slots without modifying.
Otherwise, It would be a very clean way to add additional circuits.
If yours is set up to simply plug in a fuse and find the appripriate unused wire.. do it.
But you might need the appropriate connectors to snap into the spaces underneath the fuses.
I recall a post some years ago, on another forum, Where a salvage distribution center was utilized.
I can't remember if he used it as a fuse block, or robbed the underside contacts, and swapped them into his.
Seems like either version would work!

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