@Christian P. - is it possible to make this a sticky so that others don't have the same negative and costly experience?
Really wish others would actually help besides saying “the signs were obvious that this was a terrible company…why didn’t you know everything i know” and then provide no supporting information for their opinion.
Are we here to help others or just jump on the cheerleading bandwagon as others vent about a costly issue that they had no idea would happen?? What’s happening to this community??
I think that once others see this, they will share their stories, and the overall community will become informed. 👍
I don’t go on pitate4x4 or usa6x6 for expedition information … i provided those hyperlinks for future reference to others who may not know the history behind dee-bee-ell.
The signs WERE obvious. Just use Google. That's all I did, and I dont go to either of those sites either, but I did for the first time yesterday, after I practiced my Google-foo and found them. And POW! There it was, right in my face. He actually got banned from the vendor list on at least one of those sites
If they are not a listed vendor on this site, not sure theres anything to be done here. I dont know.
I'm not trying to blame the OP, but dang! This guy and every company he has ever touched have horrible reviews and ratings for the last 20 years. TWENTY years. WTH.
Sharing stories is good. Whining about it but not taking legal action, and then going in there oneself to fix the problems (frigging KUDOS for those abilities btw!) Makes the OP legal position diminished at best, unfortunately. Maybe the next person will sue.
To purchase a truck like that, and then purchase these kinds of mods, well, ya gotta have a few bucks to rub together. OP, not trying to bash, but dayum. Do some research before you throw money around. OP could have called me. I have no training or equipment for this work, but for that kind of $, I could have learned on the fly done a better job, and turned it around quicker. This work looks like a 10 year old did it and in a hurry.
Glad OP could fix it, but that's a lot of skill and time wasted for something already bought