WARNING:Tacomas can't swim


Well I went out wheeling with a few friends today and I had some bad luck. The day started off perfectly. The weather was perfect, the leaves are in full color, and the Steelers won. We wheeled all day with very few problems. The trails were great and we tackled some obstacles that I wouldn't usually have tried. At the end of the day we ran over to another property to play before heading home. We decided to run one last trail on our way out. Well as you know its always the last trail that gets ya! It was an easy little trail that runs along a tiny creek. While trying to navigate around some downed trees, my passenger side wheels fell off of an underwater cliff. I hydro-locked the engine and flooded it bad. We pulled the plugs and towed it to my buddies house. Now I've got to change all the fluids and give it a few days to dry out. Looks like it might be a good time to start a build! Pics to come.....


What, no pics of said incident?

sorry to hear a great day of wheelin' turned sour. Maybe theres a silver lining in your build ;)
I sank my first Toyota back in '86 to the headliner, but shut the engine down and was able to dry it out and drive it home.

Good times.. look forward to your build, tacos are sweet

Mc Taco

American Adventurist
Well poop on that one. Bummer to hear. Good luck with the de-sogging. Look up the Top Gear episode with the red Hilux for inspiration!


I hope you weren't really on the throttle. I made the same mistake years ago with my 1996 3.4 5spd Taco and hit a mud hole wide open throttle. It was much deeper than I thought and I hyrdolocked. I ended up bending 2 rods and cracking 2 pistons. Good luck and keep us posted.


When it slid off of the ledge I let off as it locked. The airbox was the first to go under. We pulled the plugs and blew the water out. It turns over fine so I'm hoping the motor's good. We'll see!



This was right after I dropped off of the ledge.


This is while I was being pulled backwards.

Sorry the pics are so big. They're from my buddies photobucket so I didn't want to edit them.


i was gonna say damn that interior be shot.. but then i realized you have no doors on your rig.. :sombrero:


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Best of luck, I hope it didn't take out the engine. The Tacoma factory airbox intake is precariously low ie front tire depth however it looks like you exceeded far beyond that.

Snorkel time :D


My buddy flopped his XJ about a 1/2 hr before that. I would switch with him anyday. All he suffered was a cracked winshield, broken mirror and a couple extra dents. I'm in the process of draining/flushing. I'm going to put fans on it and give it awhile before I start checking the electronics. That creek was only 2 inches deep everywhere else. You could jump from one side to the other. The only good thing to come of it is the sulfur in the creek cleared up my poison ivy.


Best of luck, I hope it didn't take out the engine. The Tacoma factory airbox intake is precariously low ie front tire depth however it looks like you exceeded far beyond that.

Snorkel time :D

The headliner even got wet. The way it rolled the snorkel would have been under too.

i was gonna say damn that interior be shot.. but then i realized you have no doors on your rig.. :sombrero:

Yeah, the interior is/was pretty good. It has doors most of the time. Here's a dry shot from the beginning of the day.



great shots for a later day and fish stories.

Doesnt look like you went as deep as i did, mine started right up after a cranking with plugs out and drying the distributor and a few other electricals. couple hours later we were driving home. Prolly should have changed the fluids first, but i was 16.
BTW, insurance calls it "collision with water" and gave me full replacement with no increase in dues or points. That was in '86 though. Worth a phone call to your agent if they are cool and willing to talk.


This was right after I dropped off of the ledge.
[Off-Topic]This pic made me laugh a little, not at your misfortune, but because at first glance it looks like you knocked a tree over as you slid off the ledge.

That could be another one of those Tacoma commercials showing how tough they are. Remember the ones with the asteroid hitting the truck, etc? [/Off-Topic]


Expedition Leader
Hope it works out for you! I have a secret obsession with tacos and LC's (don't tell my rover brethren)

On a side note, why did you remove the doors to go wheeling?


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