wasnt sure where to start, so i figured id stick with the cruisers.


perpetually lost
made my way over here from ih8mud.com
the expedition section there is a little slow and thats what i am becoming interested in so im cheating on my forum....

i realize in asking the question here im going to get loaded answers but i didnt know where else to go....

i am currently rebuilding my loved 40
i wish i could afford two vehicles but i simply cant, im going to regret parting with the 40 but i feel like its going to have to happen... once she is back together and ready to go that is...

i would love to get into an 80 but i dont think i can afford it... after reading link

i understand that a locked fzj80 is hard to beat as far as out of the box 4wds go and if yall can argue that the cost of ownership is not higher than that of a tacoma or 4runner im all ears.
but those are the two vehicles im currently looking at purchasing. MUST be v6 auto with a locking rear or i wont consider it.

what do yall think? i dont care about rock crawling, or mall crawling.... i just want a rig i can get in here in alabama drive to and wheel in colorado down tame level 3 and less trails...

i would rather have a diesel (thats the only reason i considered a 60 was because the relative ease of a diesel swap) id rather have solid front but a SAS is not something im ready/willing to do anytime soon...
will a runner/taco leave me stranded or wanting... or lacking in some major areas??

MPG is another BIG factor, 300$ in fuel goes alot further when you get 18mpg (avg runner/taco) than 14 (what i have read is the avg for an 80)

i dont think ill be crossing international borders anytime soon, dont think ill be dreaming of running the rubicon, just wanting to get out and explore...

any advice yall can offer the newb id be happy to read, any where yall can point me for more info id be happy to follow, and any groups/clubs near tuscaloosa id be interested in getting together with

just here to learn as much as possible

look forward to reading what yall have to say!
Well anything Toyota with a V6 and auto would be your third gen 4runners(I think 97 and up) and 80 series Cruisers.

You could go with earlier 4runner but the 3.0 V6 is a underpowered problematic motor for most.

As far as a rear locker goes, that would be something you can have installed in any vehicle you choose. Finding a truck with a stock rear locker can be hard to find and generally higher priced.

Also, look for people that are selling a mildly built vehicle. Buying is generally always cheaper than building. Just be sure the work is done properly.

As for any clubs try looking at the TLCA website and I'm sure there is a Land Cruiser club somewhere near you.

It all comes down to your budget and doing a lot of looking around to find the right deals. They are out there.

Hope that helps and good luck with the 40.

Scott @ www.trail-outfitters.com

Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
I have a 1999 4Runner built and a 1995 80 series completely stock. My 4Runner still gets better mpg even with the lift, tires, weight, and roof rack (around 16-17 average mixed driving). That being said, the 4runner just lacks the space that the 80 has, and handles very differently. The 4Runner is nimble and handles like a light rig even fully loaded. The 80 is powerful, slow, and ponderous. I have not wheeled much in the 80 yet, but it is definitely a different animal.

I like both, but may be selling my 4Runner at some point due to The_Mrs. and my plans to make some critters.

The 80 has its issues (EGR, mirrors, etc.). The 4Runner has its issues (REAR AXLE SEALS, IFS, lack of a transmission cooler). I don't see what people complain about with the lack of power, but then again, I have a later 80 with the 4.5L. The little 3.4L in the 4Runner is a fantastically reliable engine. Its not very powerful, but it will get the job done every time, and get you home.

The 4Runner has been a terrific truck for me, and I have no doubt that the 80 will be as well when it gets built.

I will admit to Taco envy. I miss having a pickup truck.

Cackalak Han

I think the terrain you'll be running can be done in any of the above mentioned vehicles. Reliability will be 6's as well. But MPG wise, if you're wanting 18MPG, 4Runner/Tacoma is the better candidate. They're also cheaper to mod. I put on some sliders for $400 and for my 100, I'm looking at $1000. With the 80/100, space and comfort is much better. I found 4-6 hour drives in the Tacoma/4Runner a bit tiring. In the 100, I could go all day and still feel fine. It's definitely a better road trip machine than the Taco/4R.

I will say that if I were single with no family, I'd get a TRD Off Road Ext cab Tacoma with a rear shell and sleeping platform and explore every crevice of this country. But since I do have a growing family, LC is the obvious choice.


perpetually lost
sorry yall forgot to his "subscribe" didnt know i had any responses...
i think its coming down to what i find first and if i can get rid of my TDI..

if i go the 4runner/taco rout im going to copy this as closely as possible expeditionswest taco if i get an 80
im just going to run it in the "outa the box" form... right as toyota made it.. and ill justify not having to MOD is as heavily as a way to offset fuel consumption...

i would like to add armor to the cruiser, but it is very pricy but thats been mentioned, and body damage is just more character..... theres a thread on mud about mounting a winch to the stock bumper, so id go that rout, saves moeny and weight, i can put a tow bar on the back, and have a heavy duty D shackle that fits it that way a have a good rear recovery point, i can put the spare in the back... b/c i really dont want my spare under a vehicle that may be resting on the frame or buried in mud when i need the spare.....

for now im searching... made a few offers on some craiglist finds, nothing yet....

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