What is a reasonable price for a box?


New member
Hello everyone. Long time lurker, looking to get a MDT and build a camper in the spring time.

I have extensive woodworking and remodeling experience but no metalworking experience, nor do I have necessary equipment. I was wondering what would be a reasonable price to pay someone/shop to make a 20 foot rectangular box and a subframe? I just need a sealedweatherproof box and can cut my own openings for door and windows, and do all the interior work such as framing and furbishing.

Thanks in advance!

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Lots more info needed. Materials to be used, how it's put together? Doors to be made?

Sent from my pretty good android phone


To Infinity and Beyond!
Most used boxes removed from a truck that I have seen SELL for $500 to $2,000.

The seller may ask more however that's what I see them SELL for!


Well-known member
I would just get a 20' box truck if I were you.
With a 20' long box you're not going to be offroading much, so no need for the fancy torsion free subframes.
Buy a box truck whatever length you want and build out the inside, lots of examples of that online.
If you're after 4x4 try to find a 4x4 ex ambulance or just convert the box truck to 4x4. I'll bet it'll be cheaper than having someone custom engineer you a subframe and box.

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