what popup fits old truck


New member
Hello all, I am new to this site.
I have been searching for info for a pop-up truck camper that would fit my almost finished rebuild of a 1956 Jeep Willy's pickup. There are no wheelwells so the bed measures a straight 48.5 inches by 62 inches. The height to clear the sides is 16.5 inches and the height to from bed to top of cab is 47 inches. Anyone know of a popup that would fit well? I am looking for used to keep the cost down. THANKS!


Heretic Car Camper
I would think that any full size, short bed camper that does not use bed storage or the room behind the fender wells for stuff would fit. All full size beds are designed to fit a 4x8 or plywood between the fenders, so your issue with a narrow bed is going to be whatever might have been built to use the space of a fleet side that you don't have.

Perhaps an Alaskan? Given your low cost limitation I'd start looking for a used one, any used one. Go look at it and measure it.

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