What year was first year for child seat anchors


Been wanting to buy a landcruiser for awhile now, but my wife doesn't think I need one. So I have convinced her that it would be safer to haul the grand kids in a Landcruiser than her civic hybrid. What year is the first year with child seat anchors?


From About.com: USA vehicles manufactured after September 1, 2002, are required to have the LATCH system--Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children.

p nut

Are you talking about the LATCH system? I believe 02's and later year model 01's. But seat belts with the H clips are just as safe (if not safer). Just more cumbersome.

And you can show her this video. Even with the safety measures implemented, it still doesn't fare well for the Honda:


What age are your grandchildren and what types of carseats are they in? As posted above, seatbelts work just as well as Latch - the only advantage of Latch is how quickly you can install/remove the seat. If your grandkids are in rear facing seats, the seatbelts should be fine. If they're in boosters there's no problem. However, if they're in forward facing harness seats they will require anchors for the tethers. You can pick those up from your local auto parts store and have your mechanic or bodyshop drill and reinforce them into the floorboard. In case you're wondering how safe that is, I did the same thing with my '95 Jeep YJ. Those anchors have held firm for five years now.


New member
My 2001 LC has the LATCH anchors, but only in the middle and driver rear seats. It would be better if the passenger rear had them so my 2 year old would stop kicking the back of my seat.

p nut

Bueller - Why don't you just move the carseat to the Pass side? Unless you take it in and out frequently...


And you can show her this video. Even with the safety measures implemented, it still doesn't fare well for the Honda:
Interesting NHSTA study on vehicle safety relative to vehicle weight. If you look at the graphs…

Driver fatality of a 5,000lb 1997-2000 SUV (i.e. LC100) occurred at ~60 Deaths per million registration years.

Driver fatality of a 3,0000lb 2007-2010 CAR (i.e. Civic Hybrid) occurred at ~60 Deaths per million registration years.


New member
Bueller - Why don't you just move the carseat to the Pass side? Unless you take it in and out frequently...


I guess the main reason is because I haven't felt like arguing with Mrs. Bueller about not using the LATCH system! I am 6'4" and my son is in the top percentile for height in his age range. He would probably be safer without his legs crammed up against my seat anyways.

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