Where Do You Like Your Hi-Lift?


For those who have the option of mounting on both a front or rear bumper, which do you find yourself gravitating to? Any idea why??


Expedition Poseur
Hi-lifts stored outside are asking for trouble. After a few years of dust, rain and eventually some rust...I got tired of having to clean the rust off of the pins every time I needed to use it. So, I moved mine inside. Currently mounted on the rear-most spreader of the roll cage. Out of the way, yet easy to access when I need it....and since it is inside, no more rust on the pins, so it works smoothly every time now.


goodtimes said:
Hi-lifts stored outside are asking for trouble. After a few years of dust, rain and eventually some rust...I got tired of having to clean the rust off of the pins every time I needed to use it. So, I moved mine inside. Currently mounted on the rear-most spreader of the roll cage. Out of the way, yet easy to access when I need it....and since it is inside, no more rust on the pins, so it works smoothly every time now.

I tend to agree, but with regular maintenance, it *can* be kept outside. I have mine on the rear bumper, standing up. Seems to be holding up mechanically, but I do regular maintenance with bicycle chain lube. Cosmetically, it's faded to pink, but I don't really care a whole lot about that, it's nothing a can of Rustoleum Red can't fix.


OG Portal Member #183
Keep mine outside, was on the roof, now its on the bumper.

I keep it well oiled and maintained with no problems at all!

Been doing it for year.

Inside became a big PITA, was too noisy, and took up too much valuable real estate (i have the 60")

As Henry said, outside with proper maintenence is fine!


Expedition Leader
Rear bumper tire swing out - out of the way - I have rarely seen a high lift that did not need lubricating before using it - I have a brand new one on the Tacoma and had to lube that before using too - I could cover it but then it would loose that adventure look ;)


Expedition Leader
I've got a 48" and I've always carried it inside the vehicle (strapped down of course).

If I had an outside storage option I would use it though.

Grim Reaper

Expedition Leader
Back to the original question. I prefer it in the rear. In the front it was catching branches.

I don't like inside while on the trail. I had an occasion where in January one of my club members rolled a bead in the middle of fains Ford at Tellico. When he pulled up to where he could jack the truck he found that not only would his factory jack not get the truck off the ground after he put 33's on it but that his factory lug wrench would not reach in his new deep dish mags.

So I went to rescue his un prepared butt. There was not enough room to get the back wheels of my Blazer out of water. So I had to drag my High Lift that was mounted in the cargo area through the truck. Almost knocked out the side window and windshield. Then has to put the muddy thing back in the truck.

That Truck I promptly mounted it to the top of the bumperetts. After snagging everything imaginable in the jungle and watching more then one friend bend high lifts mounted similarly I decided that the next truck It was going on the rear.

That worked out good on the next truck. That just a couple inches taller then the roof on that K5 so it wasn't real prone to snagging stuff. On the 4 runner its going to be to tall to mount the same way So it will either be mounted at an angle on the back of on a roof rack of some sort. This truck may still get an external roll cage of some sort and the original plan was on the roof inside the halo of the cage.

I Keep mine in a Highlift cover. Lube it every few months. Its 8-9 years old and never given me any trouble.


Boston Mangler said:
COME ON! This isnt the place for that!

Please stay on topic! ;)

Sorry, but i know someone was going to say it!

I'd put it in the rear just to prevent ramming things with it. Personally, I keep mine in the toolbox in the bed of my truck.

Brian McVickers

Staff member
I store mine on the outside of the spare tire on the back door.
Easy to access if needed and and out of the way.



Expedition Leader
Brian, can you provide some additional details about your mount? That looks like an option that would be available for those of us running stock bumpers.

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