While I do agree with the points regarding the validity of different on-line sources and the media. I also apologize to those from California because my comment wasn’t meant to broadbrush the entire state or the the people of California, it was meant to address the current money grab by all state and local governments via fees, taxes, etc. that isn’t necessary in the big budget picture. Generally speaking, the largest portion of any budget is personnel and benefits, government bodies are always looking for additional funding resources to meet these growing costs. BS fees on things like “antenna rent/lease” on existing sites is just a low hanging fruit money grab.
The issue appears to be real, as a simple search reveals more articles/information about the original post. Not being a California resident I may not fully appreciate/recognize the power/importance of Cal Fire so, please educate me. Thanks.
“A letter was recently sent to California Ham operators from CAL FIRE severing ties between them unless a rental fee was paid. This move is unprecedented in the history of California is and becoming widely criticized by citizens throughout the state.”