If anyone can advise me or help me out with this problem I’d sure be appreciate it. I recently purchased a Wildernest Camper and ran into the following problem during my restoration. I did not notice the damage when I bought it, but upon examining it more closely I realized I have a bit of a problem. The bottom rail in the right corner has corroded away terribly. The attached photo was taken from below looking upward. I chiseled out the damaged area as much as I thought I should. The wood embedded in the fiberglass was wet and rotten on the inside. I stopped chiseling because I think I finally hit a solid spot. Can anyone give me some advice on how to repair this missing chunk of fiberglass and wood? I was thinking of applying some Bondo filler and sanding it as close as I can to it’s original shape. Does this sound like a reasonable idea? I don’t have much experience with these types of repairs so any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 

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