Wildernest Tent Removal/Re-install Help!


New member
Hi Everyone,

I’m relatively new to this forum and come here seeking advice from anyone who can help me out. After searching for quite a while for either a Flip-Pac or Wildernest for my Tacoma, I finally came across a Wildernest Camper. I probably paid more than I should have for it, but they’re really hard to come by in my neck of the woods (New York City area) so I just couldn’t let it get away not knowing if or when I’d find another one. Anyway, long story short, It needs work. The tent is dirty, has some mold, rips, etc. and the frame has quite a bit of rust on it. I think the best approach at this point would be to completely remove the tent from the frame and go from there. So basically I’d like to know if anyone out there has experience completely removing and re-installing the tent from the frame? If so, how difficult of a process is it? Also, was your Wildernest mounted on or off your truck when you did so? From what I’ve seen here so far, I know that this is thee place to come for help with this stuff. So please anything you guys can tell me about this would be greatly appreciated.



I am in the process of restoring one myself.

Parts list here: http://www.expeditionportal.com/forum/threads/4338-Wildernest-Spare-Parts-Info

Tent is held on by screws, I would replace them with stainless when you reinstall. Some of the tough screws to get out I used a impact screwdriver...less chance of rounding out the head. But go easy "baby taps" don't want to screw up the fiberglass.

I ordered some stainless hinges that are list in the parts link...holes do not line up, will have to drill new ones and fill the old ones.

My bulb/trim seal should be here on Monday from Uni-Grip it was $81/30' with shipping handling. I ordered the PTL-124

Christianoffroad, had a new tent sewed up for about $1100 from Canvas Replacements, sounds like expensive, but compared to a new Flip Pac or AT Habitat....heck of a lot cheaper than those two, for something that performs the same function.
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New member
Thanks, Clutch. That's a great thread that I seemed to have missed while searching around for info. Just wondering, are you going to completely remove the tent from your WilderNest? If you've done so already was it difficult to do and then re-install? Also, did you work on it while it was mounted to your truck bed or while on the ground? I think my tent is in fairly decent shape and with a little work can be saved. It just has some dirt, mold, rust on the frame, etc. but I think after a good cleaning it will look much better. I'm just not sure if taking it off is complete overkill or if I should just attempt to clean/repair it while mounted to the truck bed. I'm really interested in knowing how your gonna approach your WilderNest restoration. This is the only pic I could get of mine at this point. I got it jammed into a small garage for now until I can get it mounted onto my truck, which will hopefully be in a few days. Thanks again for that link!


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You're welcome! It took me a little digging to find that old thread too!

This is my 2nd Wildernest, the tent was in pretty bad shape on the first one...I removed it to clean it. It wasn't too horrible...lotsa and lotsa screws though. Trying not to round out the heads was a challenge. This one the tent is really good shape...new tent is planned, but way down the road. To get a new tent made you have to send it in, then they take out the stitches to make a pattern out of it. This one is too nice for that currently. Hoping to stumble upon another that is in really bad shape for parts, then send that tent in.

If your tent is in good shape, I wouldn't bother trying to remove it...(let sleeping dogs lie ;))...and just clean it attached. Unless you plan to redo the gel coat...I would try and not to take it all apart. The support tubes are bolted in, they come out easily. I may replace mine with aluminum tubing to take care of any rust issues...all except the outer tube center support.

I find it easier to work on it while it is a attached to the truck, the 1st one was off the truck for a bit...it was a little cumbersome.

My bulb seal showed up today, I started planning my approach a couple days ago, removed the pad that covers the hinges on the inside....instead of taking everything off at once, I am going to start with moving the middle hinge and the one next to it, remove and replace the bulb seal using the other hinges to hold the top for me...then replace those hinges...then work my way around. Having a second set of hands on the outside holding an allen wrench while I remove the nuts from the inside will be a great help. I used a motorcycle tie down strapped to the center support and to another anchor point inside the bed to hold the top at an angle for me, so I can get to the outside of the hinge bolt heads.


For under the cap and top of the bed rail seal, I prefer this double bulb over the flat variety.


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New member
Clutch, thank you very much for your help and advice. I agree, it's probably gonna be a lot easier to work on this once mounted to the truck bed. I also think I'll just have a go at cleaning/repairing the tent (and frame) with the tent left on. I'll just replace one rusted screw/part at a time as I make my way around the camper. Taking the tent off and reinstalling it seems like a daunting task and I'd rather avoid that if possible. The fiberglass shell itself is actually in really decent shape, so I don't think a gel-coat is necessary at this point. Anyway, thanks again for your input and good luck with restoring your new WilderNest. I'd love to see some pics when it's done. Thanks again.


You're welcome.

Not sure what everyone else used for screws, but these are the closest I found to the originals in stainless.


Somewhere along its' life someone put artificial rain gutters for a rack, except they didn't mount them to the reinforced area. So I have a little fiberglass repair to do.

Basically put as much stainless fasteners on where I can, clean up the rust stains, new seals, throw a coat or two of wax on it and call it good for now.

Oh I want to remake the vinyl logo decals as well, but I am having a heck of a time finding the exact fonts they used.

Here how sits as of now.

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Cheap Adventurer!
Removing the material on a 'Nest is very easy, just be sure to take many pics so you remember how everything lines back up! Check out my build thread further down!

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