Winter Wonderland


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
The first storm of 08 has just passed through the Sierras so I thought I'd go outside and take a few pictures around my house.

Feel free to post your own pictures as the storm passes through your neck of the woods or any other winter shots you want to share.

Don't even think of parking in front of my "No Parking " sign. :)
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Scenic WonderRunner

Fun Pics...............!

I've got this sign I've been wanting to use....but can't figure out where to use it!

Wait for it......................





......until now....that is...! .....hehe:safari-rig: :sombrero: :shakin:


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
CYi5 said:
Beautiful house..

Thank you. We bought it a long time ago when Truckee was still a blue collar town. When we returned from living in South Africa in 2000 we decided to build the 2 story addition.

It was quite a challenge. I designed it and did all the CAD (had to teach myself CAD first!). Over a period of two years I built it from the foundation up. Had the help of a carpenter for stages that needed more than one set of hands.

I said I'd never do it again, but now I'm not so sure.


Very nice!

Here in Missouri, it was single digit temps the first part of last week, then we had record highs over the weekend (70 degrees!) and again today. Calling for a chance of snow tomorrow night. :exclaim: :lurk:


Nice shots. Just out of interest is that considered a serious amount of snow or a light dusting ?

Over here in the UK a couple of flakes seems to be normally enough to cause a shutdown of the transport system.




Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
NeilWilson said:
Nice shots. Just out of interest is that considered a serious amount of snow or a light dusting ?

Over here in the UK a couple of flakes seems to be normally enough to cause a shutdown of the transport system.



We had 3 feet of snow. When we first moved here in 85 it would have been considered average for a storm. For the past 8 years we have been getting regular winter storms but they just didn't pack the same punch, 1-2 feet per storm.

At my home we have the usual collection of snow shovels and a 7hp Honda snow blower. We usually spend 3 days cleaning up after a storm. Clearing the driveway and the burm from the plow (multiple times), shoveling decks and walk ways.

This storm shut Interstate 80 down over night due to blizzard conditions over Donner Summit, but all the local roads were open. The Town, County, and State has lots of plows, blowers and graders to keep things moving.

The main East-West railroad line runs through town and goes up over Donner Summit. They have an amazing array of side pusher plows and a huge rotary snow blower.


Martyn said:
We had 3 feet of snow. When we first moved here in 85 it would have been considered average for a storm. For the past 8 years we have been getting regular winter storms but they just didn't pack the same punch, 1-2 feet per storm.

Thanks. 3ft sounds like fun, so sort of how many storms would be normal in a year ?
I know some people over here who would die to have 3ft of snow to play in !


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
NeilWilson said:
Thanks. 3ft sounds like fun, so sort of how many storms would be normal in a year ?
I know some people over here who would die to have 3ft of snow to play in !

A hard question to answer Neil. Last winter we had one storm in December and then nothing until mid February. We probably had 6 storms all winter.

Other years we get a series of storms one after the other with a break of one day in between, total snow accumulation of 10 feet. Other years winter storms start in November and keep going through the end of April.

We have had winters where there is so much snow the house is igloo'd and our dogs get out by walking over the roof!


Expedition Leader
Thanks for posting the pics, I would kill to see that snow blower in action!

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