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This is a hotly debated topic I guess. I did it with both fuses, radio also comes that way. Installer preference will prevail. OALAEGOATAS
Should I add a fuse on the negative lead from 9-120AH battery?
Mobile radio installs - should I run the negative lead from radio to chassis, or to battery? should it be fused or not?
(Most mobile radios include a fuse on both positive and negative leads - I think this a holdover from years ago when commercial installs used positive ground radios so included a fuse on negative
lead, not knowing what type of vehicle it might be installed in).
I'll clarify my post, and explain further. I have a 75 amp run from the engine compartment to the rear of the vehicle. Both Positive and Negative are fused AT THE BATTERY on that line. If there is a short to body or another ground, to the positive the fuse will blow at the battery, to reduce the chance of a fire. The fuse on the Negative would do the same thing, which is protect the ground, if a short developed from a hot line to the ground.
The Ham Radio I'm using has both fuses in the factory cable. Picture of power cord here. Power cables.htm