Wood Stoves for tents...


Expedition Leader
Looking at getting into some cold weather camping this winter and am going to purchase a stove ready basecamp style tent...anyone recommend a good stove for tents...


I have a military "space heater, arctic" that was purchased surplus that was designed for a tent. With the solid fuel grate in place, it burns wood and coal. Set up for liquid fuel, it burns diesel, kerosene, and several types of jet fuel. I've tested mine with wood and diesel, and both fuels worked great. The stove is about the size of a desktop PC tower and is light enough for one person to pick up and carry. Price was under $200. Mine is getting installed in my camper as soon as I get enough metal sheet to make proper heat shields.
Kifaru Shelters

Take a look at Kifaru Shelters. They have been used in Alaska and Canada overwinter and during hunting season up there. Kifaru makes a couple of sizes of wood-burning stoves to keep everything nice and toasty. I have a friend that has used the stove to cook a dutch oven dinner while he was out hunting in November in Alaska, and keep the tent 65F during a 0F night.
I have bought a couple at garage sales in the past couple of years for $15 and $25. I have a bigger tent now (16x20) and am building one out of a 15 gallon barrel For the prices of stoves in retail stores, I can make a bigger and better one myself.



I think I need a bigger truck!


Found this in a thread on this site once. LOVE this concept, not a bad deal, small and light too. Apparently not too hard to get into North America.





Four Dog stove for the upper 1% of income

Four Dog stove is "the best", but outrageously expensive because it is made of titanium. Light as can be and VERY well made.


I have toyed with the idea of a forced air type wood stove which would sit outside and vent with flexible tubing into my RTT.
Seems to me that I could use one of these outfitter tent stoves with a heater exchanger box fashioned to sit on top. Then use a 12 volt blower fan in one of the tubes (something like Martyn's propane unit) which would draw air from the tent and through the outside wood stove heater exchanger back into the tent. The whole box would be sealed and just sit on top of one of these small outfitter stoves while the stove is safe distance from my tent. While not as effient as being in the tent, I think it might work ok??
Looking at the one of the outfitter stoves. It think just the shear size of the heat exchanger box (same size as the top of th utfitter stove) would make up for a longer run of flexi heat pipe going to and from the tent. It would just sit on top of one of these. No risk of piping smoke or gasses as it would be passively heated by contact of the stove top. Any thought's...on this??? or has anyone set something like this up? I modified a small window air conditioner to pipe into my tent last summer and it works great in 95 degree heat. This is sort of similar concept for the frozen tundra.

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