Wool safari shirt?

Jonathan Hanson

Supporting Sponsor
Not that I know of. A true tropical-weight wool would make an excellent warm-weather shirt.

Lost Worlds makes a bunch of high-priced safari shirts in exotic fabrics, but even they don't offer tropical wool.

Capt Eddie

I bought two Wool dress shirts from Sierra Trading. They are not the style that you are looking for > But for the money they will do me just fime. They are $127.00 english made dress shirts. Sierra priced at $27. I think I got a great deal. RTK is the brand. The wool feels smooth as my silk shirts. If you do not care what people think. Try one of these shirts. I would wear it to the Amazon in a minute.


I bought two Wool dress shirts from Sierra Trading. They are not the style that you are looking for > But for the money they will do me just fime. They are $127.00 english made dress shirts. Sierra priced at $27. I think I got a great deal. RTK is the brand. The wool feels smooth as my silk shirts. If you do not care what people think. Try one of these shirts. I would wear it to the Amazon in a minute.

Those are nice shirts. Sadly, none in my size. Will keep my eye out.

Ray Hyland

Expedition Leader
Those are nice except that you need to dry clean them. But I guess for that price you can just sink-wash on the road and hang to dry and hope for the best.
The plaid one is kind of cool.

Capt Eddie

I will admit, mine will never see a dry cleaner. Hand wash and flat dry is the best it can hope for. When I get through wearing them I hang them up outside. There is no deoderant smell when I bring them back in the house.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Through the retail store where I work, we'll sell hundreds of wool pieces from Icebreaker, Smartwool, and a host of others. Some of these pieces are seriously premium products. Just as an example, we've found that even the best $89 woolen t-shirts wear out way faster than their $20 synthetic or cotton counterparts. Fine wool garments are great, they just don't always hold up well. I'm well aware that Mackinaw wool blankets can last centuries, but by the time you thin out your wool to 120 grams per, it gets pretty delicate.


Part of the problem with wool underwear is that it is knitted, not woven. Woven wool fabrics tend to be more durable than knitted fabrics. A good worsted wool woven fabric, such as is used in tropical weight suiting, can be very durable, even in the lighter weight fabrics. When I was younger, I had a shirt similar to the one I was asking about. It was army surplus (but made by a tailor for an officer, not general enlisted man army issue.) It was comfortable in both hot and cold weather, lightweight, and durable. It was extremely well made. I think that I will just get one custom made. I know of a number of custom shirt makers that will likely be able to make one for me to my specifications.

Through the retail store where I work, we'll sell hundreds of wool pieces from Icebreaker, Smartwool, and a host of others. Some of these pieces are seriously premium products. Just as an example, we've found that even the best $89 woolen t-shirts wear out way faster than their $20 synthetic or cotton counterparts. Fine wool garments are great, they just don't always hold up well. I'm well aware that Mackinaw wool blankets can last centuries, but by the time you thin out your wool to 120 grams per, it gets pretty delicate.

Jonathan Hanson

Supporting Sponsor
Agreed. I had a pair of tropical wool trousers from the original Banana Republic that outlasted many, many pairs of cotton khaki trousers. And the fabric was as cool as cotton, yet never needed pressing. You do need to keep it away from moths, however . . .

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Part of the problem with wool underwear is that it is knitted, not woven.
That is an excellent point. A few of the woven pieces we've sold failed as frequently as the knitted pieces, but I'll admit that was less about the wool and more about the execution of the fabrication. With that, I contend it's really tough to find people who can do wool properly. Must be a lost art.


Maybe try Pendleton woolen mills? I have some light weight wool western style shirts, LOVE THEM! May have something close to what your looking for?

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