Worldrecord attempt in the beringstrait

Ray Hyland

Expedition Leader
Very cool. How long did it take you guys to set up for the attempt?

Are you going to try again?

Oh, and BTW, who is this posting, Geza, or Andre?




New member

The expedition preparations took us more than one and a half years. The two most complicated things are getting the permits from Russia and organizing the logistics for the boats. I think any expedition that has to deal with Russia is a extra challenge :). Just to give you a idea, the permitting alone in Russia costs 35 000$ US. The whole expedition approx 200 000$ Crazy not?
The boats came all the way from Portugal. Searibs was the only boat company we found, that wanted to support the expedition. We had a international team (11 all together) in the strait from 8 nations (USA, UK, Portugal, Spain, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, Austria,)

Its just a bummer that we only managed to do 2/3 of the distance. But it was a amazing adventure and a great challenge. In the moment we are not planning a new attempt. No time and money. Finding the cash is just super a lot of work! But we have other adventures in mind.. will keep you posted!



New member

We made 3 attempts alltoghter. By two of them we made more than half way and then the wind died on us. The thing is you can't wait to long in the water for the wind to increase because it is so damn cold. By the third attempt we had very little wind at the beach so we rigged up our 12m kites which are the biggest one. As we proceeded the journey the wind kept on increasing and increasing so we were overpowered on the kites and couldnt handle it no more. Thats the attempt you see in the video.

In the end we spent almost 4 weeks up in the strait waiting for the right conditions and after that the crew had to go home. Everybody was there for free.
We kitesurfers would have invested more time but the crew has a life family and work so we had to end the expedition.

Its a bummer but thats expedition! :)


Oh WOW...that sounds pretty intense! Glad I saw the video, and know the explanation behind it now!

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