WTB: Flippac OR an AT Habitat for full size 6.5' bed truck OR a Flippac lid (any non-8' would work) to fix mine


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After several hundred nights of happy camping my trusty Flippac on my '06 Tundra 6.5' bed has failed at the point of connection between the torsion bar hinge and the lid. I haven't yet investigated in detail but it looks like the internal frame has rusted away and failed at the hinge connection point. I suspected this might happen when I bought the rig in 2017.

So, looking for another Flip-pac that ISN'T rusted out internally. One that the owner did a good job of sealing around the hinge penetrations through the fiberglass (unlike the previous owners of mine).

OR, happy to buy a used AT Habitat.

OR, something else I don't know about that will allow a 6'7" tall man a good nights sleep that fits on top of my built out Tundra.

OR, if someone has a Flip-Pac lid that is still in good condition. I would happily pay for and haul off an entire Flip-pac for a good lid. The Flip-pacs built for the Tacoma has the same lid size. If you've got a Flippac that isn't functional but still has a good lid, I'm your man.

I'm in Texas but I'll drive pretty much anywhere.

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