WTS WTT: CVT Mt Mckinley Stargazer RTT w/annex



Looking to sell or trade a CVT Mt Mckinley RTT Stargazer lightly used only a few times this year and has a light brown colored travel cover. Located in Southeast VA

Would sell for $2k or trade for a CVT Mt Adams RTT in good condition.

Size (Open) : 87"w x 132"L x 50" t Actual sleeping size 87"x 96"

Size (Closed); 87w x 48"L x 15.5" t

Weight: 186 lb







Rooftop Tents | Cascadia Vehicle Roof Top Tents
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I Have to correct you FshTaco99. The Stargazer option for the Mt. McKinley is a $400 add on to the tent's base price. Not $250.

The shipping if I remember correctly was a little more than $200 also. I would also like to say that there can be an extra wait time for some these stargazer tents some are kept in stock if you are lucky and some are special order. I was lucky enough to buy this Stargazer as it was being shipped from over seas so I didn't have to wait as long as if it hadn't been fabricated or manufactured yet overseas.

It is a really neat feature to have on a RTT. It adds a layer of no seeum mesh to the outer layer on the roof of the tent with a zipperable canvas layer inside and layer of see through poly to the rain fly. Tepui has a sky model but it is not as protected from rain as a stargazer as the fly on the Tepui is folded back and the mesh is exposed to the sky as the CVT's rain fly stays in place.

I will get the stargazer feature again in my next tent I just wish that it is on a Mt. Adams CVT tent.


Bump for the weekend. Updated first post pictures and added more pics with tapatalk. Would also consider trading for a globe trotter globe drifter with cash on my end of the deal too. But I think selling straight up will be the easiest. Can deliver or meet halfway for a reasonable distance. Also I'm going to be at Expo east if you want to buy or swap there. Please let me know. Thanks!

Robby Black - 2014 FJ Cruiser, F-JANE, Iceberg White, Auto trans 4x4 A-TRAC, RR DIFF LOCK
Mods : Baja EXP rack, CVT 99" Awning w/screenroom, and more to come later.
Accessories : Manley Offroad Utility Trailer with CVT Mt. Mckinley Stargazer RTT w/99" CVT awning.

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