Your kitchen sink?


Looking for suggestions on ways you have found to make cleaning up easier after cooking a meal.
Anything from wash buckets to kitchen sink on a trailer.


Expedition Leader
I typically use one of the smaller Rubbermaid totes that I also use to store stuff in but I also carry an older Sea to Summit sink, the smaller version.


Expedition goofball
I have a large stainless steel dog bowl recessed into my countertop with a drain. It works very well.


I use the 3-bin wash system whenever possible.

Clarification - for short form (cliff's notes) on the pre-soak... if I have a cup with some juice or something in it, I can pour a little water in and swish it around... the idea is if necessary to maximize conservation water and figure that it's your food anyway... :)
If this isn't appealing, just scrape uneaten food into trash bin for disposal later.

Here's a short version

Pre-Rinse – each individual uses a little bit of drinking water to rinse out their dishes and utensils, drinks that rinse water, and then puts their dishes on the wash pile.
Hot Water Wash (First Dish Pan) using as little soap as possible the dishes are washed. The cleanest dishes go first, the dirtiest dishes go last.
Hot Water Rinse (Second Dish Pan) once all the soapy water has been shaken off the dishes they are rinsed in hot water.
Sanitizing Soak (Third Dish Pan) rinsed dishes go into a sanitizing soak.


I rarely cook anything that needs more than a small Teflon fry pan. All utensils, plates, cups, etc. are disposable. I don't go camping to handwash dishes.

Both our RV's have sinks and water systems but for the van, I just carry a Reliance 4 gallon jug and set it next to the sink for teeth brushing, handwashing, etc. Not sanitizing the water system each time I want to take a one-two day trip.


When it's just us as a family I also use the 3 basin system (hard habit to break from Scouting days) and I use 3 of the 1/3 size steam table trays each are 6" deep. They stack nice and perfectly fit in my pelican case kitchen. I like that size cause just a little bit of water gives me usable depth of wash water and plates, pans, etc stand up in it just fine (wash vertical not horizontal). I boil a coffee pot's worth of water and use cold water to get to the right temp. Cut the standard size sponge in half and use soap of your liking.

Food scraper and a paper towel to get as much food and residue off as possible. Then...
-Basin 1: hot soapy
-Basin 2: warm rinse
-Basin 3: cold rinse (preferably with a sterilizer)

Lay out on a dry towel or dump in a mesh bag and hang to dry. I used to carry a little bottle of bleach with me but have recently switched to Steramine tablets. They're used in commercial kitchens for the sterilize basin and I'll toss a tablet in and let dissolve. They call for 1-2 tablets per gallon of water and it'll turn the water blue so you'll know which basin has it in it.

There are times where we do the typical quick wash/rinse but if I'm cleaning up after a meal with grease and real food this is what we do. I typically save the larger plastic basins for large groups (Cub Scouts) where water isn't as big of an issue.


I'll have to give the Three Basin approach a try. Been a while since I was in scouts but I vaguely remember. Steramine tablets seem handy.
Thanks guys.


Just ordered this collapsible dish pan from Bed Bath and Beyond with a 20% off coupon - 1-1/2" thick when collapsed


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Grumpy Old Man
Beagle pre-wash. If not in water saving mode: heat a little water in a 1 quart pan, add a couple of drops of Dr. Bonner, wash, rinse, dry in sun or towel dry. If in water saving mode: spray with vinegar/water mix, towel dry, leave in sun for more disinfecting. Beagle takes care of food bits; never a problem. Since I boondock I dump grey water (biodegradable) away from camp since I use so little (usually a cup or two).



New member
Be careful while washing knives or any sharp object as they can puncture the gray playable material that collapses the sink. I just learned my lesson over the weekend. Otherwise a great product.

"Just ordered this collapsible dish pan from Bed Bath and Beyond with a 20% off coupon - 1-1/2" thick when collapsed"


Expedition Leader
I use the 3-bin wash system whenever possible.

Clarification - for short form (cliff's notes) on the pre-soak... if I have a cup with some juice or something in it, I can pour a little water in and swish it around... the idea is if necessary to maximize conservation water and figure that it's your food anyway... :)
If this isn't appealing, just scrape uneaten food into trash bin for disposal later.

Here’s a short version

Pre-Rinse – each individual uses a little bit of drinking water to rinse out their dishes and utensils, drinks that rinse water, and then puts their dishes on the wash pile.
Hot Water Wash (First Dish Pan) using as little soap as possible the dishes are washed. The cleanest dishes go first, the dirtiest dishes go last.
Hot Water Rinse (Second Dish Pan) once all the soapy water has been shaken off the dishes they are rinsed in hot water.
Sanitizing Soak (Third Dish Pan) rinsed dishes go into a sanitizing soak.

Yeah, no, not gonna happen. I never did understand that in scouts and our scoutmaster thought it was stupid as well. He'd been in the Navy in the 50s and still had a thing about saving water and even he tossed it. I will rinse my mug then pour it onto my plate to save water but I'm not drinking it after that.


lost on the mainland
for doing dishes and such
have a chafing pan that is awesome :)
tough easy to clean out and can put it on the stove to heat up water which is nice

a basic rubber maid we have been using for some time
works good for wash basin for personal use to
BUT plastics pros cons
if anything is greasy they tend to take a bit more to clean out ?
but its nice light and fits other stuff inside just right for our use :)

kinda thinking of going to two chafing pans and ditch the plastic ? but $ at this point its working so why bother

cleaning up greasy plates and such we use these kitchen scrub wipes forgot the brand but they work awesome at removing almost everything so the soap water clean up is minimal
we used to use baby wipes for this but someone here mentioned the scruby ones and they work better and our kids are not baby wipe stage anymore :)

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