Joined the Dark Side...traded a T4R for a YJ (The Black Jeep Build)


Hello all you Jeep people!

I was actually looking for a toyota pickup, and completely went the opposite way! Somebody offered to trade a 1991 Jeep Wrangler for my 1994 Toyota 4Runner.

I lost cargo space, IFS (no biggie) and A/C, but gained a manual transmission, SFA, horrible ride (it's a Jeep thing... right?) and a motor that doesn't leak from the rear main seal!

I'll get some pictures up later. IDK how much of an Expo Rig I can make this, but I do know that I don't plan to do any 3 month excursions around the States!

I dub this 'build' "The Black Sheep" as I'll be the only one in my group that owns a Jeep. Everybody else on the Toyota side. Ah well.."Dare to be different" :D

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Expedition Leader
Welcome...Your the blackest of sheep with those square headlights but its ok. Anything to keep you away from Yoda/yota. :) And while I can't say anything about a leaking/non leaking RMS...Once your spend some time riding around without the top and doors you'll swear off the cage-cars forever! :)

Heading Out


I too went from import trucks (in My Case Nissans and Datsuns ) , to a 93 YJ. that I've begun building

We just love running around with the top off, seems like you have so much more contact with your surroundings.

What part of CA are you in?

Again Welcome to the Jeep thing.



JD, Funny thing, my GF was kind of whatever about the 4runner. She hated getting into it, she's a wee bit height challenged. I thought she was going to hate the Jeep after I test drove it! She hopped in...and surprisingly, fell in love with riding in the back with the windows removed!

Heading Out, feels like I'm on a motorcycle! We're located in the central valley, in Modesto. 2 hours to the beach, 2 hours to the mountains...can't ask for a better location!

Any recommendations on a yj/wrangler specific forum? Toyota's have's like the holy grail of yota knowledge.

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
Welcome to the 'Jeep Thing'!! (well, still have 'Square Eyes', but we won't hold that against ya! LOL)

And as /dev/ mentioned, just wait, the rear main will start leaking, eventually. :coffeedrink:

Actually, I get worried when my Jeeps don't leak!


Expedition Leader
As to your question about a YJ specific site...I don't know honestly. I'm sure they are out there. As mentioned, Jeepforum is a good start. Good thing is a lot of the drive train is the same as TJ/XJ/ZJ etc as far as motor, transmission, and axles go. The body work on a YJ is still "old'' Jeep to an extent. Way less plastic doo dads and such. While you won't find the heater very impressive I do think you'll enjoy it. And while all us Jeep folks give the square headlight guys crap... its all in fun. :) Post up some pics and specs and maybe we can point you towrds some useful ideas and hints. Common failures and things to look for etc... And again, welcome!


Hello all you Jeep people!

I was actually looking for a toyota pickup, and completely went the opposite way! Somebody offered to trade a 1991 Jeep Wrangler for my 1994 Toyota 4Runner.

I lost cargo space, IFS (no biggie) and A/C, but gained a manual transmission, SFA, horrible ride (it's a Jeep thing... right?) and a motor that doesn't leak from the rear main seal!

I'll get some pictures up later. IDK how much of an Expo Rig I can make this, but I do know that I don't plan to do any 3 month excursions around the States!

I dub this 'build' "The Black Sheep" as I'll be the only one in my group that owns a Jeep. Everybody else on the Toyota side. Ah well.."Dare to be different" :D

This is a good thing imo both from function and reliability.


I'm thinking new shocks are on order. These ProComps are not good. I figured that already, due to all the 'bro' trucks running around lifted 40 feet into the air with ProComp lifts. Probably too stiff, and that's what's making it ride like I have wheels made of springs. I'm going to take it down to some experts and see what they say.

OME/ARB was the best ride setup for Toyotas. I don't know whether to go with them, and lose 1.5" of ride height (and probably have to drop to some 31x10.5's) or figure out some other 4" lift and keep the 33's (but go with 9.5's).


That will happen today after work. Been too busy driving the dang thing :D

So how does the transfer case engage? I put it in 4H, and then I had to roll forward a bit to get it to engage (4wd light came on). Is that normal?

I put it in neutral, pulled from 2H to 4H, put it in 1st, rolled a few feet, light came on. I'm doing that part correctly right?

4H felt just like 2H at low speed. When I tested 4L I could definitely feel it like it was dragging a boulder. I'm assuming it's all in good working order.

The 4runner just engaged as soon as I put it back into drive, but it had a different system (ADD) I'm pretty new to 4WD vehicles.


Expedition Leader
All is normal. :) The Dana 30 front axle in yours uses what is called a CAD system instead of hubs (automatic like your 4Rnr or manual like most older 4x4s). CAD stands for center axle disconnect and uses vacuum from the engine to slide a shift collar in the long side of the axle to lock its 2 pcs together. This system allows for you to "shift on the fly" but is somewhat finicky as you discovered. A short stop or very slow movement forward or back can often allow that collar to slip into place. If there is a bind it can be less than cooperative so be patient and it will usually lock in. And yes, sometimes you must reverse to get it to unlock but not always. There are several kits on the market to replace the vacuum operation with a cable actuated one. If your system shows regular issues I'd recommend going the cable route. Some folks even just either lock the collar in place permanently and plug the vacuum lines ans some folks replace the 2 pc long side shaft with a single one from a later model Dana 30. The biggest dollar option out there is to swap to a serviceable bearing and manual hub conversion.
Like all things Jeep you will soon learn that they are like a box of leggos... all kinds of ways to snap stuff into place to add on or change and your usually limited only by your imagination (and wallet! ) Hope that explains it for ya! :)


Ok here we go.

Suspension, I think I spy Rancho lift springs. Not sure. The eye bushings look red, or what used to be. Pro Comp ES3000 shocks/struts, whatever you want to call them. Pics below.

Front suspension:


Rear suspension:


Eye leaf bushing (if that's not what it's called, correct me) :


Rear Axle Breather, is this a mod or factory?


And some rig pics:


Air horns! :D And what is missing from that bracket? AC compressor?


Awesome oversized spare tire breakage...gotta get a replacement.


All the lights work! I had to fix the driver side auxiliary light, it was dead, due to a bad ground.


Changed the oil, fixed the stops for the glove box lid so it'll not fall all the way down. Debating on 33x9.5's or 31x10.5's.


Missing front, rear trac bar and front sway bar? Should also have a nyloc nut, not a split washer on that spring eye bolt. Could be contributing to the stiff ride. The spring bolts shouldn't be cranked down to tight. Rear shaft is still the slip yoke. Looks like a 4cyl?

Breather is factory.

It has potential. Welcome!
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