98 Monty. New to the scene. My build story.


Hello all, new to the Monty scene. This was first purchase and to be honest I was a bit leery to buy. Just for the simple fact that I had a trooper before that was nothing but problems. After reading up on the truck itself I was honestly excited to get started on the truck.

First things first was the rubber. Swapped out stock for Duelers (31/10.5-15). Mild aggressiveness for tread. Great on/off road and through the snow in the great white north along the shores of Lake Superior. Also plasti-dipped black.

Plans for more but taking it one step at a time as of now. Current project is the factory Infinity head unit/system. Have it torn apart and will be placing a Kenwood single din in. Cheap and efficient for now. I use my IPhone for everything anyways so I see no need for anything else, nor do I wanna spend extra$ on that rather than other needs/wants.
project for the week as well includes bypassing the amp and wiring to the new HU.

I will post as I progress. As well as ask for help 😄

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Here's a better shot of the tires. Just noticed that the previous was blurry after posting. They are Bridgestone dueler at revos 31/10.5-15

Used rustoleum flat black on the wiper arms since they were sand blasted from over the years.

Changed out the air filter which it looked as though it hadn't been in years

Next projects will be the lift gate hinge replacement since the pins have begun to warp. As well as the power antenna swap for a fixed whip.

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Oh and I almost forgot. I still have the orginal dealer lic plate mount from Cali

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Those rear door hinges aren't bent pins. They are broken pins that are still barely keeping it together. One of these days you will open it and they will sheer all the way at the separation point between the hinge halves. You want to get them replaced before that happens.
Look for hinges from a Gen II. For some reason, the earlier ones have a small hole that you can spray into to get to the pins it seems. Not sure how/if this helps. But can say that the only posts I have seen on broken hinges have been on Gen II.5s, including the 98 we used to have.


Thanks Monty! Have you replaced these before? If so what's the best way to do this?

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Michael Brown

You followed me, so now we're both lost
Thanks Monty! Have you replaced these before? If so what's the best way to do this?

Check for your FSM in the mitsubishilinks below. It should have the rear door removal procedure. I would think you could open the door and replace 1 hinge at a time without removing the entire door.


The previous owner of my 98 replaced the hinge pin with a grade 8 bolt. Been working fine on my truck.


Spent most of yesterday rewiring the sound system and new mb quart onyx series speakers with a Kenwood kdu158u head unit. The rear went fairly well. A bit of mods on the body panel to fit the speaker housing. Pretty easy though. The pain was routing the wire through the rubber door grommet from the door to the dash and over to the head unit. Still utilized the factory tweeter locations and I must say it sounds awesome. Not bad for the steal of a deal on amazon.

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Thanks Monty! Have you replaced these before? If so what's the best way to do this?

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When they go completely they do this

And the worst part about them doing that is the constant squeaking every time you go over anything remotely resembling a bump in the road. Also means you've to lift the door to close it,and it wears out the catch on the other side

I've replaced a good few,take out the toolkit with the 4 screws,take off the washer reservoir cover,and open the small flap inside the rear door handle,and remove the screw. Then pull off the door card. Take off the lower locking strap,2 10mm bolts I think that is. Also knock out the roll pin holding the check strap to the door. You'll need to remove the right side tail light,and free the wire from the little clip.

Remove the top and bottom rubber bungs,and cut the plastic membrane. There are 3 14mm bolts holding each hinge to the door. You'll need someone to hold the door up,if they aren't a bodybuilder i'd suggest taking the spare off,but leaving it on makes you work quicker. Crack open all 6 bolts on the door,and the 4 holding the top hinge to the body,then start taking them all out(don't take out the bolts holding the bottom hinge to the body),while having someone hold the door up. once you've all the bolts taken out the door will be able to slide out along the bottom hinge,give it a tilt and the top hinge will be able to slide out.

Slide the new one in and slide the door back in so the bolts can be replaced,Tighten them all up,but not completely,the height of the door will need adjusted so it latches properly. Then refit all the check straps and interior panels. and you're done. Should be less than an hour to do in total

The black wheels on your monty is pretty sick,looks like it suits the colour of the truck quite well


Any insight on where to find these hinges. Seems as though northern mn salvage yards are in a drought of monteros and dealer costs are outlandish

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