The Military has its advantages. Texas to Anchorage and everything in between


New member
Just made the drive last week, I opted to go Seattle, Vancuver, Whistler, to Dawson creek. The cassiar sounded too gnarly, and after seeing your pics I'm glad I did, the 97 was in great shape and Liard hot springs did not disappoint. also, next time you make the drive, take your time and bring a lady along for the ride. Real talk


New member
We'll be following many of those same miles, albeit it at a slower and more scenic pace, this July. Did I read it right that you made Watson Lake from Prince George in 1 day, or did you stay the night somewhere on 37?


New member
Looks like an awesome trip. Been thinking about trying for Alaska this next go around. Who do you currently bank through? If it is not USAA I would highly suggest going through them. My ATM card has worked everywhere I have been, Airports in Ireland and Romania, ATMs in various European countries as well as Qatar and Mozambique.

I bank through USAA. The ATM card worked thank goodness. It was the Mastercard I was having trouble with. Come to find out my bank locked it as soon as I made my first purchase in Canada. My fault for not letting them know in advance. Great Bank with awesome customer service.

We don't jump out of "perfectly good aircraft." We jump out of AIR FORCE aircraft. ;)
Nice trip report. So you took the Cassiar Highway in the Winter? For your first trip to Alaska? Wow, that's going to be hard to top.

Hey now just cuz they are held together with duct tape and baling wire don't mean they should be put out of commission yet!

Yeah it was pretty crazy, not much visibility and even less traction. However I was glad I did it. Being 19, it is difficult to be taken seriously. So when I accomplish something that everyone says I shouldn't do, it serves to boost confidence and enlarge my head to the point where it is hard to hold it up.

Just made the drive last week, I opted to go Seattle, Vancuver, Whistler, to Dawson creek. The cassiar sounded too gnarly, and after seeing your pics I'm glad I did, the 97 was in great shape and Liard hot springs did not disappoint. also, next time you make the drive, take your time and bring a lady along for the ride. Real talk

It was gnarly, however it was the road less traveled. (even though I took that way by mistake (blindly following an old GPS unit)) I loved every terrifying minute of it. I wish I had taken a more leisurely pace though. I wanted to go to the hot springs and other attractions but now that I live up here I will be more inclined to do so! Glad you made your trip safely.

We'll be following many of those same miles, albeit it at a slower and more scenic pace, this July. Did I read it right that you made Watson Lake from Prince George in 1 day, or did you stay the night somewhere on 37?

Good luck with the drive, you will have many more opportunities in summer to see some impressive vistas. In winter it is nice, but since it snows the whole time you cannot see past your hood.
I made it to Watson Lake from Prince George in one day, yes. Took me 14 hours I believe. I only stopped to take a few pics and gas up. Marathon driving at its best. Again, Good luck!


Good trip. I've got a PCS to hawaii coming up. The wife and I are planning an epic road trip from FL to CA the very long way; not sure when we will be back inconus. This is inspiring me to get out the nat geo wall map and start putting push pins in it.

We'll be headed the opposite direction this summer - California to Florida... Haven't plotted our route yet, but my wife suggested "stopping by" Niagara Falls, so it might be a LONG drive! ;)

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