Scott B.'s 2015 AC Build - Expo Style

Scott B.

SE Expedition Society
Getting back to updating this thread:

Here's a shot of the Tech Deck with Ram Mount balls installed, and my phone holder.


Scott B.

SE Expedition Society
Rear Gears, TrueTrac

So, the other day, I was looking at the truck and had a wrench in my hand.

Low and behold, look what came out! ;)


I sent the chunk off to ECGS for a set of 4.56 gears and a TrueTrac.


A close-up of the pattern:


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Some sort of lost...
I'm hoping the front clamshell was sent out too?!

Any tips for someone doing the same thing in about two weeks? ;) I think ECGS shipped mine today but I won't be home for a while.

Scott B.

SE Expedition Society
I'm hoping the front clamshell was sent out too?!

Any tips for someone doing the same thing in about two weeks? ;) I think ECGS shipped mine today but I won't be home for a while.

The front is going out in about 2 weeks. I had to go to Utah for 2 weeks for work, so since I didn't need the truck, I had the gears done. Unfortunately, I did not have time to pull the front out before the trip. But, the truck is drivable without the front clamshell in, so I won't have to park it for 2 weeks.

I decided to have my 3rd member regeared instead of exchanging one with ECGS. Seeing as my truck is a 2015, they didn't have any 2015 3rds - it doesn't really matter, but I figured why not? I had the time.

As far as swap tips, there is a good thread on TW - link. If you don't have an e-locker, just skip that part of the instructions. And yes, the brake lines have enough play that you do not have to open them to slide the axle out.

Scott B.

SE Expedition Society
Gas Tank Skid Plate

I got a Pelfreybilt aluminum skid plate for the gas tank.

The SR5 trucks don't come with any skid plates - I thought the gas tank would be a good place to start.

I decided on aluminum to save weight. This truck is not going rock crawling, so the aluminum should hold up just fine to the projected use/abuse.

As delivered:


Since the SR5 did not come with a skid plate, I had to get replacement tank straps that the mounting studs:




New straps installed:


Final product:


It is a well build piece that should last the life of truck.
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Some sort of lost...
The front is going out in about 2 weeks. I had to go to Utah for 2 weeks for work, so since I didn't need the truck, I had the gears done. Unfortunately, I did not have time to pull the front out before the trip. But, the truck is drivable without the front clamshell in, so I won't have to park it for 2 weeks.

I decided to have my 3rd member regeared instead of exchanging one with ECGS. Seeing as my truck is a 2015, they didn't have any 2015 3rds - it doesn't really matter, but I figured why not? I had the time.

As far as swap tips, there is a good thread on TW - link. If you don't have an e-locker, just skip that part of the instructions. And yes, the brake lines have enough play that you do not have to open them to slide the axle out.

Cool thanks. I should have sent mine out too, since I work out of state for two weeks, I just ran out of time. I guess it cost me $200 for the new bearings in the front diff but oh well. Good to know the brake lines are long enough, saves me from having to call a friend over to help bleed the brakes again!

Scott B.

SE Expedition Society
Brake Controller

I added a brake controller since I tow a Little Guy off road teardrop. Besides, the factory already installed a 7-pin connector, so the hard work was done!

I ordered the controller from eTrailer - great customer service. I saw they had a wiring harness that clips into the factory harness. I ordered one of those also, for true plug-and-play.



I wanted to mount it where I could easily get to it while driving (for adjustments or emergency stops.) Since my truck has an automatic transmission, there is a "storage tray" where the manual trans emergency brake handle goes. Looked like the perfect spot for the controller.


With the tray removed:


Since the mounting surface is not horizontal, I made a template for a new mounting bracket:


And built a new bracket out of aluminum:


Controller mounted:


Tray trimmed to fit:


It works fine like this, but I think I will clean up the trimming a little bit. Not that anyone would see it other than me...
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Scott B.

SE Expedition Society
Suspension Lift

Today was the big day! And I am pooped. Lift day!!!!!!!!

Overall, everything went well. The process took a little longer than I planned on, but was not working fast. All in all, it came out great!

The Front:

I decided to use Bilstein 6112 coilovers. I have them at the topmost setting, which pushes the suspension down almost all the way. I'll have to see how it drives/rides, and let the springs settle - I may or may not adjust it. I also installed Camburg UCAs. I changed my mind, and used the ball joint arms. Since I live in the South, where we have rain and mud, I think the ball joint will last longer than the uniball. I will not be rockcrawling or jumping the truck, so the ball joint should be fine.

I also installed a set of Wheeler's bumpstops. I like their progressive compression (as opposed to the factory solid ones.)

You can see in the picture, I have replacement UCA bolts. Instead of bending the sheetmetal, I decided to cut the bolt heads off, and install replacement bolts from the other direction.



For the rear, I had Deaver build me a custom leaf pack - 3" of lift, and carry an extra 600 lbs. While everything was apart, I also installed an All Pro U-Bolt Flip Kit. I much prefer my u-bolt ends to be above the axle.

For shocks, I am going with Bilstein 5165 reservoir shocks. I am going to replace the upper shock mount and get the longest shock I can fit. Now that the new springs are in, I can get an accurate measurement. And yes, I need longer brake lines - way longer!

I also have Wheeler bumpstops for the rear. I haven't decided how I am going to mount them. I am considering mounting them to the frame as opposed to the axle.


I didn't get many pictures of the process, but here is a before and after of the front:



Before anyone says anything, my jack stands are teal. Way back when, Snap-On was playing with different colors, and I ended up with these. They are made by Lincoln in the USA so quality is not a question. An odd color for jackstands - but I'm not a marketing person, so what do I know?????

Here's a shot of rear after assembly. Yes, I know the shock is not attached. Fortunately, the stock shock is long enough (to fit) so I can use them (on road only) until I get the longer ones installed.


And finally, the result:


I like it!
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SE Expedition Society
very nice...I like it as well. what tires are those?

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